Chapter 14

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"Now that we've prevented Xana from gaining access to the Tundra and Island Sectors we don't have to worry about him using those towers." Emi stated. "We can foucs more on Sector Five and checking the new sectors for more Lyoko keys."

"That means no trips to Sector 5 until we're done analysing the data from Sector Five." Cam added.

They sat in the mansion's libaray discussing the last attack. After getting Emi to the tower, for fox girl than Kya had been devirtazted. Luckily Emi had deactivated the tower moments before Kya's devirtazilation. The scanners came back online in time for Kya to rematerialze.

"Are we not going to talk about the girl?" Alexei asked.

Cam shrugged. "Nothing's changed. We don't have enough information to do anything." He explained his lack of findings when searching for her digital signature. "My theroy is that she might also be tapped on Lyoko like Emi was."

"That doesn't make sense." Alexei explained. "If she shows up again we can assume she's human. Other wise she's gone forever."

Alexei didn't say it, but they all knew. Emi wasn't human and originates from Lyoko. If she loses all of her life points, she'll disappear forever.

"Lynn, Emi what do you think of her?" Kya asked. This was her first encounter with the myteruious fox girl. While helpful, she seemed both amazed and confused.

Lynn and Emi shared a look.

"Each time she's appeared, it's been at the perfect time. That while beneiful..." Emi trailed off.

Lynn finished. "We're suspicious for her 'convent' arrivals."

Kitt got up from her spot on the floor to hop onto Emi's lap. "Meow." She gave several long and short purrs and meows.

"You have a point Kitt." Kya replied.

Kitt gave a different set of meows.

"It's worth a try." Kya agreed.

The others listened to Kitt's conversation with Kya for several minutes.

Finally Lynn was the one who asked. "Since when have you been able to talk to cats?"

"It's not all cats, only Kitt. She knows morse code." Kya petted the kitten. "You've never noticed the way she meows? The unusal patten?"

"Putting aside the face that a cat learned morse code, how do you know it?" Alexei inquried.

"Brothers." Kya and Lynn said at the same time.

"We learned it along with her brothers in order to have private converstaions."Lynn explained.

Being an only child with a father that traveled for work and a mother who worked full time, Lynn was raised in Kya's house. Her brothers were his brothers. Naturally Lynn was included in all sibling plans.

"Anyway, Kitt thinks we should continue working with the girl." Kya stated. "However we need to monitor and tey to be aroudn her in pairs. Along with getting infomration when possible."

Cam clapped his hands. "Well, we won't get a better idea. Let's call it a night."


Emi's POV:

"Has anyone seen Wave?" Emi asked Aelita and her friends. 

Evening had arrived when we left the mansions. Lynn and Kya sprinted to Kanna to make it in time for dinner. Cam and Alexei walked her back to Kadic where they parted ways.

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