Chapter 2

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Emi woke up on the floor...again. Sleeping on a bed was still an odd sensation for her. Every night for nearly two weeks, she woke up on the floor. Each time, it took ten mintues to uquice herself from the sheets.

The visions were getting worst. Every time she closed her eyes, she'd see flashes of unfamiliar and familiar scenecry. Sometimes she'd be in the Hertimage, francilty searching the house before being lead away by someone. A firm hand on 'her' shoulder signaled the time to leave. No matter how much 'she' struggled or pleaded for just a bit more time, the person continued to lead 'her' away. Each time she tried to get a look at the person's face, all she'd see is a grey blur. It was the same for any human like shape she looked it, minus the men in black.

No, the image of their crispy white shirts, freshly pressed black suits, and matching glasses were the only human like shapes that could clearly be seen. Just the sight of them envolved an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her stomache. A shiver would go down 'her' spine, breathing would pick up, and she'd be momentrily frozen in place.

"Ems!" Wave brust into the room, unannoced. "Hurry up! Or well..." She withheld a laugh, seeing her friend on the floor. This wasn't a new sight for her, but funny all the same. Each time she found Emi entangled in different uwuice ways. "Need help?"

Emi ignored Wave, wiggling her amrs out of the sheets. She wrestled with the inanimte object, rolling atound on the floor. After several mintues of struggling, Emi was free. "I thought we agreed you'd knock?" She gav her friend a questioning look.

Wave tossed Emi a light purple dress from the warobe. "We're friends and both girls. What's the point in knocking?" She softed through the closet, pulling out a pair of _____ ankle boots. "Now get dressed. I'm hurgery."

Emi shooed Wave out, so she could get dressed in peace. Over the pass two weeks, Wave edged herself in Emi's life. Emi quickly learned it was easier to go along with Wave, than to talk her out of it. Thanks to Wave, Emi was able to come out of her shy shell. "Let's hope Odd hasn't eaten everything."

"He's a walking stomache!" Wave shouted, as she eagerly grabbed Emi's hand. "We can't let Odd eat all the food!"

Emi was dragged along.


"Hey, Rosa." Wave greeted the cafertia worker. Unlike Odd, Wave generally like talking to Rosa and not just buttering her up to get extra food. "How's book club?"

"Everyone loved the book you recommed." Rosa placed soem food on Wave's tray. "We're picking another book later this week. Any suggestions?"

"Yup, I'll bring the book during dinner." Wave started to move down the line, when she noticed there was otameal and a muffin instead of toast, bacon, and eggs. "Did the menu change?"

Rosa shook her head, "Odd took the last of it. This is all we ahve left."

Emi followed Wave to the table Odd sat at with his friends. The group was laughing at somehing Odd said. An annoyed Sissi stomped away with her friends close behind her.

"You walking stomach," Wave pretended to be annoyed. "you ate everything, again." She stole a piece of bacon off his plate.

"Hey!" Odd tried to snatch the bacon away from Wave.

"Hey, Emi, Wave." Aelita greeted the two. Over the last two weeks Aelita had beome close friends with Emi. The two shared the same experience of being in a new enivorment and only knowing a few people. While Aelita did have a small group of friends, they were each often found doing their own thing. Odd and Ulrich usually liked to hang and play soccer afterschool, Jeremie spend alot of time working on his laptop, and sometimes Yumi had to leave right afterschool. Emi also understood the feeling of being alone, while having friends. Lately the Defenders had been busy with their own things. Once again Cam was locked away working on programs to aid them on Lyoko. He was even busier with the addition of fixing the modifications Xana had snuck into the materzialtion program. There was an upcoming figure skating compeition Kya was preparing for. Alexei had been roped into working on the school play since the soccer season had ended. No one knew what serect project Lynn was working on. All they knew was that most days he left right afterschool and didn't return until after dinner.

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