Chapter 1 Part 2 of 3

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Emi wondered deeper into the forest searching for Wave. The two had gotten spereated when Emi stopped to draw a dlower. "Wave!" She called, hoping for a reply. The only sounds were the rustling of leaves. At some pint, she'd gotten lost. Without Wave's guidence, Emi couldn't get back to the main path. She began to wonder if she should've stayed in the clearing. When Wave realized she wasn't with her, Wave might check the clearing.


A scream alerted Emi to another prescense. The scream came gain, closer this time. Emi followed the sound, worried it could be Wave. The screams stopped, a Emi came to a fork in the path. Either way lead to the unknown. Unsure of which way to go, Emi continued forward. She took three steps, before a slight movement to the right caught her attention. Emi turned to go after it, but strumbled. Her legs suddenly felt like lead, as her vision blurred.

Suddenly, she wasn't in the forset. She, or rather, this person stood in her place. Through this person's eyes, she watched as they raed through the forset. Emi found herself taking in the 'familair' scener. The areas passed, were one's she'd been by earlier.

"Over there!" The distortion of the voice made it impossblie to know the ower's gender.

A shiver went down 'her' spine at the voice. They didn't look back, for fear of being caught. Eventually they found their way back to the main path. Emi's relief was short lived, two men wearing black blocked the path. 'They' veered to the right, running back into the forest. 'They' didn't stop until they were outside of an abandon house.


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"Your Emi's friends." Wave apporached the two males she saw helping Emi move in that morning. "Have you seen her?" After making her way back to the main path, she noticed Emi wasn't around. Back tracking resulted in no clues. Wave hoped Emi made it back okay.

Alexei exchanged a worried look with Lynn. "When was the last time you saw her?" Alexei withheld his panic. Emi is still new to earth, her going missing doesn't mean Xana attacked.

"We went off the main path." Wave said sheepishly. "I noticed she wasn't with me and doubled back."

"Could you show us?" Lynn asked calmly. He texted Cam and Kya, letting them know the situtation and to keep an eye out for Emi. Cam quickly replied that'd he'd check his laptop for an actived tower, the moment he could sneak away from Mara and friends. Strangely, there was no reply from Kya. Next even after they searched with Wave for nearly fifteen minutes.

"I think we should tell Mrs. Hertz." A worried Wave suggested. The last thing she wanted was for the science teacher to lecture her once again on being careful and responbile. If she hadn't insisted on leaving the main path, Emi wouldn't be lost. For maybe she would? But at least someone from one of the two schools might've found her.

Lynn placed a gentle hand on Wave's shoulder. "We'll stay here and continue searching, while you inform a teacher." Involving the teachers would draw unwanted attention to them. Espically if this turned out to be a Xana attack. They tried to avoid drawing people into the dangerous attacks, but sometimes it was unavoidable. If Emi was really lost, than extra people searching would allow them to locate her faster.

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