Chapter 6

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Emi's POV:

"Did Alexei tell you of his crazy theory?" Cam asked over the phone the next morning.

"That he thinks Lynn has a crush on Kya? Yes." I tossed clothes out of my warobe onto the floor, looking for my ankle boots. "I told him he's overthinking things."

"He's an idoit." Cam often calls ALexei names, but doesn't mean it. He's use to his best friend's random train of thought.

"Alexei know's Kya doesn't see Lynn in a romanct way, anyway. She likes someone else." I nearly dropped my cell after speaking that last part. Kya's gonna be mad when she discovers Cam knows she likes someone. Maybe she'll be less anrgy, since Cam doesn't know who she likes.

"Sorry Emi, I dropped my cell. Can you repeat that?" Cam said to my relief.

"I said you should spend sometime with Kya. Let Lynn use the time to clear things up with Alexei." I found my boots in the very back of the warobe. Quickly putting them on, I grabbed my bag and left the girls dorm.

"I can't, the anaylzing of the data still needs to be finished." Cam explained.

"I'll do it." I offered, before Cam could continue. "I should have it done by the end of school. The program I wrote will search for specific patterns. It'll save us alot of work." Now that I'm use to my new life, I plan on returning to helping Cam. He has way to much work for one person.

"Fine, but send me the results." Cam agreed.

"Only after I've recived word from Kya you've spent time with her." Now way am I handing the data over so easily. If I do, he'll get side tracked.

We ended the conversation there, because school was about ti start. Looking for my shoes made me mess breakfast, so I had to go straight to class. Wave was lergerly strolling along, with a crosstiant in her mouth. "Hey, Ems!" She greeted, breaking a piece of crosstiant off and offering it to me. "Where were you?"

Grateful for the food, I happily ate it. "Warobe issues?"

She wrinkled her nose, "That's why I perfer causal clothes." She gestured to her own outfit. "Come to my room afterschool, I've got some new tracks."

"Only if you take your headphones off during class and pay attention to the lesson." I said in a fake stern voice. Wave is a smart firl, who barely pays attention in class. Her headphones are always on, playing some kind of music. I don't know how she gets away with it. Mrs. Hertz and Jim are the only ones who appear to notice.

"So you say. But my grades are just fine." She placed her headphones on and danced her way into class. I followed her to our seat behind Jeremie and Aelita. Odd and Ulrich were already seated in front of them. The four were speaking in hushed tones, that stopped as we approached. Wave said nothing, to into her music. I wanted to ask them about it, but the teacher came int and class began.


As soon as their last morning class ended, Emi headed for her dorm. Sneaking in was easy, since Jim was helping Mrs. Hertz. Once inside, Emi hopped on her bed with her laptop. She booted up her program, letting it run in the background, while she manually looked through the data.

Her goal was to filter out useless data. The program would do the differcult part of soughting the data into useable catorgies. They'd then be able to (hopefully) use it for other projects/programs.

Emi's cell buzzed with a text from Wave. Where are you? It's time for food. ;3.

Hidding in my room.

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