Chapter 14

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One month before

My head was pounding as I regained consciousness. I had been in and out of consciousness for days and the only memory I had was of some guy making me drink water. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. It was nearly pitch black, but there was a small window above me that let some light in. I saw that I was in a small cell, but big enough for two people to move around comfortably. Across from me was an open space with a table that had many tools laid out across. Next to the table was a door that I assumed lead to the outside.

I inspected my injuries, my head was throbbing, but the pain was manageable and my arms held small cuts, probably from the shattering glass of the car. I slowly sat up, leaning against the wall before lifting my hands to my stomach. I gasped quietly when I felt a bump, looking down I noticed that in fact, a small bump had grown since I was last awake. This made my determination to get out of here stronger, but I needed to know for sure who I was dealing with before hand.

I could already tell that I was drugged somehow. I felt weak and I knew none of my spells would work. I sighed trying to think of anything else I could possibly do to get out.

As I sat absorbing my thoughts, I felt a throbbing pain in my abdomen. At first, I thought it was the baby moving, but it was too soon for that and the pain kept increasing. Within minutes, I was holding back screams as I felt my body heat up like it was being burned. I convulsed on the ground, no longer being able to hold back the screams, I cried for the pain to end.

The door slammed open, but I paid no mind as the pain over took all my thoughts until it suddenly stopped. I took a few moments to catch my breath before trying to think of a reason for my pain. The only reasonable thought I had brought tears to my eyes.

Ace was mating with someone else.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to regain my jumbled thoughts. No. Marilynn, this was not the time. He rejected me. I had to worry about my child over anything else. That idiot needs to get out of my head.

"Marilynn." A familiar voice spoke.

I gasped startled as I turned my head to the voice. Standing in front of the cell was someone I never thought I would see again.

"C-Charlie?" I trembled as I tried to move further away from him. "What are you doing here?"

"Marilynn, don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." He reassured, but I couldn't trust him.

This was the Alpha's son of the pack I grew up in. The blonde haired boy with light brown eyes, that always seemed to follow me everywhere I went. He was obsessed with me as kids, he thought I was his mate. When we came of age and weren't mates, he couldn't accept it. He tried taking advantage of me. I was able to get away, but that's when I knew I was no longer safe anywhere in the pack. Home was hell and then the pack house was a threat as well.

"Marilynn, listen. I'm sorry for what I did, but you know who really brought you here and I want to help. It might take some time, but I have a plan." He explained.

I looked at him skeptically before shaking my head. No, I couldn't trust him.

Charlie went to speak again, but two others walked in. My breath caught in my throat.

In walked my parents, hand in hand. I couldn't even begin to form a sentence. My mother had left my father years ago, why were they together now? Is this where she was when I was at the coven? I felt sick to my stomach.

"Ah, my dear daughter." My father spoke, sending a shiver running down my spine.

This was the man who couldn't care less about his children. When our mother went to her coven, he would spend his days beating us until he got bored. He took pleasure in our misery. At our young age, I was stronger than Izzy so as often as I could, I would take the hits for her making sure nothing would scar her naturally tanned skin.

"What do you want?" I spat at them.

"Sweetheart," My mother spoke making my eyes snap to her. She looked different than before. Her eyes had always been cold, but now they looked evil. She had a malicious smile across her face that made my heart rate spike. "A little over a year left until the prophecy is complete."

"So?" I asked, not sure where this was going.

"We never told you about the full prophecy, only the role Izzy played." My mother began as she paced in front of the cell. Charlie was dismissed leaving me with my two parents. "You see the prophecy read; two alike, but different in many ways, one would rule over the supernatural. One would become the Goddess and one would begin a new species."

I looked at my parents confused, I had never heard of the last part.

"You see," My father spoke this time. "Your mother and I are not true mates, but we both had many of the same desires. We wanted to create hybrids. Something much more powerful than a werewolf or a witch alone. We tried, but instead we had twins of two different species. That's when we learned of the prophecy and that only true mates could produce hybrids."

"You are the last part of the prophecy, Marilynn." My mother finished. "That unborn child of yours will begin a whole new species in this world, but you won't be around to see it considering your mate rejected you and all." She laughed before standing next to my father. "The witches love you, but are loyal to me and told me everything. We will raise your child into the perfect soldier and create an army of hybrids. Richard," She turned to my father. "You can have your way with her, the child won't die after the spell casted on her. Just don't kill her."

With that my mother left the room and my father examined his table of toys. I recognized some, the ones he used to use, but there were many new ones and I was terrified to know of their use.

He pulled out a whip before entering the cell. He roughly turned me facing the wall and reached for some cuffs that hung from the ceiling. Once I was secured against the wall, he began his attacked on my back. There were healed scars from years ago, now being covered with new wounds. After the fifth hit, I couldn't hold back anymore and cried out.

The attack continued for hours, many different tools being used until I could no longer stand. He laughed at my weak form before promising to return.

All I could do was let the tears stream down my cheeks, my body couldn't even handle letting out small sobs. Soon enough I let the darkness consume me.

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