Chapter 25

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The familiar darkness is the only thing that surrounds me. I can barely see my hands when I put them to my face, but the small stream of light from under the doorway lets me know that I'm still in the same old dark room.

From as young as I could remember up until I was ten years old, our father did anything he could to bring us down when he could. He would hurt us, yell at us, remind us that our mother didn't love us. Anything to keep our spirits down. When we were ten years old, he was finally held accountable and taken to the pack prison awaiting trial. Our nanny, Ms Rosemary, was the one who saved us and told the Alpha. She was always there when neither of our parents wanted to look after us, eventually she discovered the abuse.

Since our mother needed to stay at her coven, Isabella and I were brought to the pack house as orphans. While Isabella was treated with respect and loved by all the pack members, since everyone knew she was the future Goddess, I was, however, kept locked away. No one wanted anything to do with me, the witch. The outcast. Isabella didn't even know. For so long she thought I had abandoned her like our parents did.

Up until shortly after our eleventh birthday, I was kept in the dark, old room on the top floor. I was isolated from the rest of the pack, forgotten by most. The Omegas fed me once every few days, the odd time they would bring me a book or a toy, but it was impossible to do anything in the darkness.

Luckily, after a long year alone and blind, Ms Rosemary discovered my existence and took me away from the pack house. She watched over Izzy and I like her own, while our mother was too busy and our father continued to wait for his trial. Once we turned seventeen, our father had been released under the terms that he must go rogue. Soon after that Charlie had tried an advance on me and with the never ending urge to look over my shoulder, I knew it was time to leave. Isabella and I continuously moved for years until our twenty-first birthday came around and we were able to settle down. There were no more threats lurking nearby, but we always kept our guard up.

Now stuck in my own mind, I feel myself returning to that dark room that took up a year of my life. The night where any bit of innocence I had left was stripped from me.

I curled up in the far left corner of the small blank room. All I had was a thin blanket and a few books I used to rest my head. My clothes were torn and old as I was only given new clothes every few months. The room was stale and had a horrid scent of my waste that was left in buckets in the other far corner. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness over time so I could move around slowly, but I was growing weak with the lack of food and unused magic.

My magic aura is similar to a wolf. If it's not used or released after long periods of time, it can have devastating consequences like loss of magic or death. Mine was burning in me, wanting to be released, but I was too weak and my body would not be able to handle that amount of power.

I heard low thudding footsteps approach the door and quickly turned my head towards the entrance. My eyes burned as the light seeped in the room while three large figures stepped in. They towered over me as one shut the door.

I recognized them as the next generation's three leaders; Alpha, Beta and Third is Command.

Charlie's older brother, Jade, stepped towards me and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling me towards his face.

"Well would you look at the little bitch-oops sorry, witch." Jade laughed along with his two sidekicks, Dante and Jean. "I'm surprised you're still alive," he continued. "But don't worry, you won't last much longer."

Those were his only words he ever spoke to me before he and his friends advanced. I could barely fight back as they ripped my clothing and took advantage of my weak, childlike body. When I resisted, they left bruises and while I cried, they shoved fingers and anatomy down my throat to silence me.

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