Chapter 31

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My eyes slowly peeled open where I was met with the moon shining down, as if calling for me. I wanted to reach out for it, feel it's safety, but my ears began to ring. Slowly the world around me became clearer.

"Marilynn! Wake up! Goddess dammit!" I heard a familiar voice shout.

Was Marilynn in trouble?

I felt my body come alive at the thought of my mate. I cautiously sat up, looking around briefly where I noticed I was in the middle of a field, bodies littered around. It was over. When I looked to my right, my breath caught in my throat.

Marilynn laid cradled in her sister's lap, unconscious, but still taking staggered breaths. Blood ran down her nose, now dry against her pale skin that I once again hated to see. I quickly became alert as all my senses returned.

"What happened?" I questioned, moving so I was next to my mate. I went to touch her, but received a menacing growl from Isabella that instantly quieted my wolf. It felt strange to submit to someone of a higher power.

"This is your fault," She spat. "If you could've just kept yourself alive, we would have finished this. Fuck! She needs to wake up. Marilynn!"

Isabella continued to shake her sister gently in any attempt to get her to open her eyes.

I was at a lost of words as I stared helplessly at my mate. I was still unsure of what had happened, but I knew that something was seriously wrong not just with Marilynn, but what happened to finish this battle.

As I was lost in thought, Marilynn shot up gasping for air and looking around in alarm. She instantly relaxed as our eyes met.

"Ace..." She whispered.

Isabella, long forgotten in my mind, was pulled away gently by Liam before they started walking away. The rest of my pack members slowly dispersed as if sensing that we needed to be alone.

My attention turned back to my mate as she slowly, on wobbly arms, attempted to crawl towards me. However, I met her half way and took her in my arms. Her legs wrapped around my waist and then I carefully stood up, wanting to get away from the disturbing scene in the field. As I walked, Marilynn continued to mumble in my ear,

"You're ok. You're ok..."

I felt wetness on my shoulder before I heard to small sobs. I sped up my walking, hoping to get to my destination sooner. Finally, I sat on the grass after entering the clearing a few kilometres away from the battle.

Marilynn continued to sob, her body shaking against me and I let her. She needed to let everything go. I had never seen her cry, and it broke my heart, but I knew this is what she needed. She had held onto so much and now it was time to put that to rest.

After close to twenty minutes, Marilynn's sobs turned into hiccups before she pulled her face from my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry..." She whispered, her red-rimmed eyes looking into mine. "I couldn't lose you."

"Shh, it's ok. You don't have to apologize." I gently caressed her cheek and wiped away the stray tears.

"We didn't finish the prophecy though," Marilynn ran a hand through her tangled hair. "He got away, he always does."

"Let's not worry about that right now, I bet Liam already has people looking for his scent. He'll turn up and then we'll kill him for good." I reassured.

She nodded, still looking unsure.

"He knew," Marilynn started. "He knew he wasn't going to win. That's why all of those rogues attacked you... killed you," Her voice cracked before she tried looking away from me, but I held her in place and kept her eyes to mine to reassure her that I was fine. "Isabella and I were supposed to be together and finish all of it, but I used the power for you. I don't regret it, not at all. I knew I couldn't lose you, but the Moon Goddess was so mad."

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