Chapter 7

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"Come on Mary! Hurry up! I cannot and I mean cannot be late for my ceremony. What kind of first impression would that make?" Izzy exclaimed as I was touching up the final details of her hair. She had been freaking out all day over the ceremony and even though we had an hour before it began, she insisted we would be late.

"Relax." I mutter, wanting her to stop moving since she couldn't sit still. "We have plenty of time and I'm done anyways." I take a step back and admire my work as I hear her let out a sigh of relief.

"No offence," I start, "But if you're freaking out this much now, for a Beta ceremony, how are you going to handle the ceremony when you become the next Goddess?"

Izzy waved me off before standing to her feet and heading towards the closet. A few minutes later she stepped out in her long, white, traditional dress that made even myself slightly jealous even though I already looked pretty damn amazing. Nothing could compare to Isabella. She truly was a Goddess in every sense of the word. Her shoulder length hair, now curled, sat nicely on her shoulders and her light makeup, accented her already perfect features.

"Wow, Izzy. You're breath-taking. Please try to keep your mate under control, Liam will have a hard time and I doubt anyone in the pack wants to see you guys going at it." I say making a disgusted face at the thought.

Izzy laughed.

"Thank you, but watch out yourself, there are many unmated males in this pack and you're looking like a snack." She winked at me and went to slip into her heels.

I turned to face the long mirror in the corner of the room to admire myself. My hair was done up in a high ponytail with a few stray pieces to frame my face. It was mandatory to wear white, but my dress that rested just past my knees and dipped in the back, had a slight tint of pink to it. I couldn't help myself when I saw it early today. A light coat of makeup brushed over my face and my pendent that I wore at all times sat gently above my cleavage.

Before I know it, I am sitting in the front row of a large overcrowded room filled with hundred of chairs and pack members. I sat between Timothy and another girl I hadn't met yet, but I wasn't in the mood to be making friends as my eyes took in the magnificent room. For having less then twenty-four hours, they sure made this room look amazing. Giants, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling while pieces of white fabric draped the walls in a calming way. The chairs were in rows and at each end chair, there sat bouquets of white roses. In front of us was a large stage that sat five chairs. One for the Alpha, the Beta, the two head elders and Izzy.

As the clock struck 11:55pm, Ace walked out on stage followed by the two elders and then Liam and Izzy. The crowd settled down and set their attention on their Alpha as his voice projected throughout the room.

"Tonight we are gathered here to welcome a new member to our pack, not just any wolf, but the next Beta Female of the Silver Creek Pack and our future Moon Goddess." Many gasps were heard through the crowd and whispers picked up as many just realized Izzy was their Moon Goddess. We decided last night that the pack should know in case anything happened and we would need an army.

Ace lifted his hand to quiet the crowd before speaking again.

"Please welcome Isabella Selene Remington." The crowd cheered as Izzy stood next to Ace with a big smile stretching across her face. She was born for this kind of attention and would always have the urge to please her people.

I tried my best to focus on the rest of the ceremony, but I couldn't help but focus my attention on my gorgeous mate. He was wearing a white button up that was probably one size to small seeing as his muscles looked ready to jump out of the shirt. My eyes travelled lower to his white pants that shockingly suited him well and made his ass look even better than the other night. I couldn't help, but take in all his glory since this would probably be my last chance.

Before I realize, Timothy is shoving me out of my seat and pulling me towards the exit. I look around and notice the ceremony is over and most have already moved along to the ball room for the after party. I couldn't find Izzy and Timothy had long abandoned me, so I seated myself at a table and grabbed myself a drink. I observed the pack, most were dancing with their mates or children while others were socializing on the sidelines. They looked happy and at peace, which doesn't always happen in such large packs due to many wolves having overly large egos, but in this moment I could tell they all understood each other and I knew Izzy would be safe with them.

When the time rolled around to two in the morning, I knew it was time to cut myself off since the room was starting to spin. I still hadn't found my sister or anyone I knew and I forgot the way to my room, so I made my way outside for some fresh air.

The cold air of the night, brought chills to my skin, but I continued off the front porch of the pack house absentmindedly letting my body lead the way. Soon enough I found myself around the corner of the house, away from all the commotion where I saw a bench. As I got closer, I saw someone sitting there already, but not just anyone, it was Ace.

The liquid confidence lead me to sit right next to him, with a safe amount of space in between. He didn't seemed bothered, as if he already sensed me coming over. I looked around for a minute before speaking, wanting to tell him what happens to witches and werewolf mates.

"We really need to talk about a few things."

He didn't speak for a moment, which made me believe he didn't hear me so I went to speak again, but he spoke.

"You look gorgeous tonight." He said while looking ahead. "I could see all the unmated staring at you and all I could think of was ways I was going to murder them." He chuckled darkly before turning his body towards me. "So I came out here to get away, but it seems you always have some way of finding me these last few days."

"Hey, you've been the one avoiding me. I just so happen to be in the same rooms as you, by coincidence." I interject.

"Well, Marilynn," I shiver at the way he says my name. I watched his eyes darken as he smelt the desire wash off me waves. I hate the power and pull of the mating bond, something I never thought I would experience, but I'm so glad I did. Both of us leaned in, only inches a part. I could taste his breath as he gently breathed out. He was perfect in every sense.

"Seems like this must be another coincidence." Ace whispered.

I couldn't handle this any longer. I smashed my lips against his and he quickly responded. His arms wrapped around my waist as he hoisted me onto his lap, while my hands found their way into his hair. His tongue slipped into my mouth and took dominance as I moaned out from the feeling sparks flowing through my body. Our desire for each other increasing by the minute. Ace's lips trailed down my neck leaving love bites along the way as I began to grind against him in an attempt to feel some sort of friction. He groaned before pulling back and staring at my flushed face as I continued the grind against him.

"There," He smirked as his eyes trailed the marks he left behind, "Now people will back off."

I moaned quietly at the dominance laced in his tone before reconnecting our lips. Soon enough we found ourselves in my soft bed, with our clothes discarded around the room. As the party continued on, we found ourselves pleasing each other any way we could to calm the pull of the bond. Until the sun started peaking through my blinds, I found myself being wrapped up in the arms of someone who already had the power to destroy my world with only a few simple words, but I let myself embrace the impending doom so I could enjoy at least one night with my mate.

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