Chapter 16

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My father groaned as he finished and stood up before redressing himself. I laid numbly on the ground feeling blood and other fluids run down my leg.

I had been stuck here for Goddess knows how long. I lost track after a few days. Each one filled with promises of pain and misery, my father using me as his toy. He enjoyed watching me suffer, but I was running out of will power.

I was barely given food and when I was, I could only eat so much. I could see some of my bones poking through my now pale skin. Almost every inch of my body was covered in a wound, my father leaving his mark wherever he could. The only place he didn't dare touch was my growing bump. Although my father hadn't touched it, my stomach was covered in bruises from the many nights Ace was with another. I never had time to rest as during the day my father would have his way and during the nights Ace would be too busy to think of the consequences.

The drugs pumped into my system made me drowsy and when I had enough strength to resist, I was punished. Charlie came and brought me water from time to time, but never spoke about the previous escape he said he was planning and I hadn't seen my mother since the first day.

The only thing keeping me breathing was the small creature growing in side of me, without them, I would have been dead long ago.

"Marilynn...Marilynn...Marilynn..." My father scolded. I rolled my head to face him, my eyes barely able to stay open.

I had woken up about an hour ago to the familiar burning in my abdomen, no doubt Ace enjoying his time without me being in the way. After that, I noticed my father had set up a camera and was recording my misery. His words couldn't be heard over the thumping in my head, it wasn't until my father started bringing out his toys that I payed more attention. He had his way for a bit, laughing at my cries and pleas before he began to unbutton his clothing.

"No...Please." I begged as silent tears streamed down my face. He said a few more words to the camera before shutting it off and coming over to me.

I tried to tune it out, sitting their numbly, desperately waiting until it was over.

"I'm not happy with the way you've been reacting lately." He continued while going over to his table.

"I'm going to keep this simple," He explained. "Just enjoy this." He laughed before taking the small knife and making small slices along my arms. They weren't too deep, I kept silent.

"Fine, if you want to be that way." My father growled before taking the knife and slashing it deeply into my right leg.

I cried out and grabbed my leg, blood was gushing out and I couldn't stop it. I began to panic as my head became light headed. I can't bleed out like this, not now. I have to fight. I tried putting pressure on the wound, crying out again at my weak attempts.

"You're weak." He laughed before exiting the small building. Before I could resist, my body fell limp and darkness took over once again.

I woke up to someone applying pressure to my leg, causing me to cry out and open my eyes. I looked up and saw Charlie wrapping my leg in a bandage. I whimpered trying to shove him away, my attempts were useless.

"Stay quiet, Marilynn. I'm getting us out of here." Charlie said after he finished with my wound. He gently lifted me up bridal style before making his way out of the room. I took in a deep breath of fresh air, my lungs hungry for more. I couldn't believe I was actually outside.

Before I could take in my surroundings, Charlie started sprinting towards the forest. I held him as well as I could and tried to keep my whimpers at bay as all my injuries were screaming at the movement. Charlie kept up his pace, but before we stopped I had already fallen unconscious. 

I stirred awake and quickly opened my eyes taking in the scenery. I was tucked under a tree and covered with a thin blanket. The fresh air made my racing heart calm as I gently rubbed my bump. I looked around and noticed there was a clearing near by and I could hear water flowing. I saw a bag leaning against the tree next to me, which I assumed was Charlie's. Soon enough he emerged from the bush with some berries in hand and a can of water. He handed them to me as I shivered under the thin blanket.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked in a scratchy voice. The only thing my voice was used for over the long period of time was screaming, it felt hoarse.

Charlie sighed before digging through his bag.

"A year or two after you left, I realized I was gay. I explained to my parents, thinking they would be ok with it, but they turned on me and I became the Omega." He shook his head before continuing. "After everything, my father still thought yours was innocent and let him stay on pack lands. Once they caught your scent, I was ordered to watch over you. They thought I still hated you, but I couldn't. I never have."

Charlie gave me a gentle smile before putting his hand to my forehead and sighing.

"You're burning up, I need to check your leg." He muttered before gently removing the blanket and then inspecting my leg. I noticed I was now wearing a lose skirt and a clean shirt, my father had taken my pants off before and my old shirt was torn up so it was comfortable being in fresh clothes. "It's infected. We'll have to get you home as soon as we can. What pack is your sister staying at?"

I was hesitant to trust him, but even if I brought him to the pack and he was dangerous, they would be able to handle him.

"Silver Moon." I said. "The Alpha is my mate...Kind of. He rejected me, but we mated before and I got pregnant." I avoided eye contact. I was ashamed of being rejected, of not being good enough.

"Well looks like both of our lives suck right now." Charlie said.

I laughed. He was right, we related together somewhat with that. Both of us being rejected by people who were supposed to love us.

"Silver Moon is at least a days run away. I don't think you'll make it." Charlie said as he thought over another plan. "I think there's a neutral pack nearby, but we'll have to run, do you think you'd be able to hold onto my fur?"

I nodded. Charlie helped me stand and then moved back to shift. I lifted up his bag and then carefully climbed onto his back. Within minutes, we were flying through the forest. I held on as tightly as I could.

We raced past other wild animals and became a blur in the trees. If anyone were to see us, it would be impossible to get a good look. I hadn't ever ridden on a wolf before, but it was exhilarating! I hoped I would have the chance to do this again, but when I'm stronger so I could enjoy it more. 

After a half hour, I felt too weak to continue and signalled for Charlie to stop. He shifted back and checked my body for worsening injuries. My leg was throbbing and I could barely concentrate on my thoughts. Before I could react, I was bouncing in Charlie's arms as he ran through the forest again.

Suddenly we stopped and I heard growling, but I couldn't open my eyes. Everything felt like a dream, I didn't feel like I was actually there.

"Please, we need help." Charlie spoke. "She's pregnant and injured. She needs medical attention immediately."

"Why should we help? She's a witch and you're a rogue." Someone powerful growled.

"She's the Silver Moon pack's Luna." Charlie said quietly.

I wanted to listen more and ask them for help, but my body fell limp and I let the dark take over.

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