chapter 15

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Loki's POV

Thor and I had found Milana and Stark at Walmart and got Milana home to Asgard before we went back to that Dr. Strange guy's house and he had used a portal to get us to Juniper and that captain butt guy. 

Stark had said some Thanos had tried attacking Midgard but they defeated him. But he wasn't dead. He said he was going to come back. Which I believed. And I definitely wasn't going to allow my children to stay on Midgard. 

"Papa! Daddy!" Juniper squealed as we entered the home of the captain's friend's house. I hugged her tightly to me. "Thank the gods you're okay." I mumbled into her black hair. I pulled away from her and gasped. 

She looked at me weirdly. "What?" She asked. I blinked once. Twice, looking into her eyes. "Thor? Are you seeing what I am seeing?" I asked. "What? Do I have something on my face?" Juniper asked. "Juni.. your eyes." Thor said, putting a hand on her chin, pulling her face to look at him. 

Juniper has red eyes. Like that of a Jotun. But not the blue skin. She never showed outward signs of the Jotun blood. This was the first. 

"Your eyes, my love." I told her. She blinked at me. "What about them? They're blue. Aren't they?" She asked. I shook my head no. "Is this normal, Loki? Do you know?" Thor asked me. I shook my head no again. "Usually you'll see the signs early on. Not after almost 18 years. As far as I know, at least. I don't really know." 

She just blinked at us, not knowing what to say, until her eyes turned back to blue. "Your eyes were red. Like Silas'." Thor told her. She scoffed lightly. "But I never showed signs of the Jotun blood I have in me. Ever. You always told me I was more Asgardian than Jotun." 

I shrugged. "I don't know, love. It is something I've never seen before. Granted, I don't really know any other full blooded Jotuns other than myself and definitely not half Jotuns like you or your siblings. But it was just your eyes." 

She shrugged. "Well, nevermind that. I want to get you and your father back to Asgard with your siblings." Thor said. I snapped my head towards him. "And what about you?" I asked. He looked at me. "What do you mean? I'm staying here until the other Avengers and I-"

"No." I interrupted him. "I was afraid that I was going to lose you once today, I'm not going through that again. You can skip out on one meeting with them to stay with your family. They can always fill you in next time." 

Thor's eyes darkened. "Don't give me that look." I mumbled to him. "I love you too much to go through that. I cannot go through that anxiety. Through that pain." I said, touching his arm. "Come home with us, Thor. At least for tonight. Maybe in the morning you can come back and talk to them. See what they've said." 

He sighed and nodded before we walked outside and the gate opened for us.

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