Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

It had been a week and Tommy kept his word; he never left my side- even when Louis or Eleanor visited, he sat in the corner watching- it was kind of creepy but I didn't mind; in a strange, weird and twisted way, I felt safe when he is here. He is sat in the corner again, reading a book - The Perks of being a Wallflower.

"Manly book." I commented. Tommy and I had a 'special' relationship; it was always banter, banter, banter and dry humour, sarcastic comments and comedic remarks but it was okay.

"I know." He winked. I wished they would let me have books, or my iPod- something to keep my entertained apart from the TV which I have limited channels on.

"Are you okay." He asked, concerned.

"Yeah." I answered, " I just wish they would let me read a book or something."

"Why won't they?" Tommy asked, putting his book to the side and moving his chair closer to mine to fully engage in the conversation.

"Why do you think?" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. They wouldn't give me paper because previous patients had used it to cut themselves with it.

"I don't know?" He said smirking. He knew.

"You know why." I stated trying not to get angry at him.

"I know, I just want to hear you say it." I scoffed.

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked , this was a sensitive subject for me to talk about. I didn't like to talk about my self-inflicted marks to others- the ones that are now scars.

"Because princess-" He used the infernal nickname again. "You need to face it. Now say why they will not let you have a book."

"Because." I gritted my teeth. "They are afraid I will take the pages and slice my wrists open."

"Good-" I cut him off.

"Because they are afraid I am going to do something stupid." He gulped. "Because they are afraid that when I am alone at night, I will keep slicing until the blood pours down my wrists and I take my last breath." I finished, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks- I will not let them. I will not let them fall. I have done enough crying for at least seven lifetimes- dramatic, I know.

"Jay, calm down." I had barely noticed Tommy started stroking my arm, weirdly, it relaxed me a little and soothes my muscles.

"I'm sorry." I apologised moving my arm away to put it underneath my bed covers, as soon as I left his touch my body felt cold. Tommy sighed and went to pick up his book.

"Do you ever go home?" I asked.

"Yes. When you go to sleep on a night I shower, change and eat something that's not take out- then come back." He said as if it wasn't completely taking over his life.

"You should stop. Its taking over your life and I don't want to be the reason. A job is meant to take over your life, not a person you barely know." I said voicing my thoughts.

"Do you not remember what I told you?" He asked and I shook my head. "I do know you Evans, I know you very well and I told you that the day I rescued you from Tomlinson." He smirked.

"I don't want you wasting your time here Tommy." I sighed feeling defeated.

"I am not wasting my time, don't you ever say that again." He ordered sternly. I licked my lips and turned them into a line.

"Okay." I said agreeing with him just so we could end this topic.

I sat with Tommy for quite a while, we exchanged stories and jokes in attempt to lighten the mood but how does one lighten the mood in a depression clinic? The TV played in the background, some new show that's a bunch of bullshit-it went ignored though. I liked spending time with Tommy, he was sweet and as we established the day he came to visit, nothing like how people used to describe when he was in his pathetic little 'gang'. I don't know why people thought he was so dangerous but I guess people think that when they haven't really faced the world yet. I learnt a lot about Tommy, I learnt he has a little sister who is twelve years old (and that he is very protective over her),I learnt that he loves action films- especially The Bourne films. I learnt that he loves to read romantic comedy novels because he finds they stimulate his brain and I learnt that he likes to cook pasta on a Wednesday because that's what his mother used to do before he moved out and got his own apartment. It was little things like this that made me think that we could be friends and it also helped me trust him a lot more.

Eleanor came too, with my mother, we had a good conversation on the art of photography which reminded me of my job- I have probably been fired since my boss is an arsehole who only cares about himself and thinks with him dick. I will just have to find another job if I ever get out of here, it's going to be hard to find a job with all these problems in our modern day.

I honestly don't know if I am ever going to be able to leave this place but even if I did I don't if it would be the best thing ever. I mean, if I get out and recover I could relapse and spiral out of control again but then again if Louis keeps his word and I have people like Tommy around me I might not relapse and I could get better.

"What are you thinking about Evans?" Tommy asked, looking up from his phone.

"Nothing." I sighed.

"Uh huh." He smirked putting his phone in his pocket. "Talk."

"I am just wondering if I will ever get out of her." I smiled weakly.

"You will. I'm going to keep you safe." He said. " I will make sure of it."

"I hope so." I really do.


So this is kind of a filler chapter. How are you guys liking this book? Any things you want to happen?

DEDICATION TO: @lolanerdie


'When the lights go out, she's all I ever think about. The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain..."




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