Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I gazed upon the man in front of me, it couldn't have been though! This wondrous man in front of me could not have been my father - the one that was lost in the forces (practically MIA) and here he was standing straight in front of me. I knew he couldn't see me- I'm not even there (I suppose you could call me a ghost?!)

"Dad?" I whispered, almost as if the name had been forbidden. Of course I had no answer, it was just the revelation of me calling my father and for him to actually be here right in front of me.

I wanted to stay, I really did but I knew I needed to go and wake myself up and ask why my mother and my father lied about him being away and more importantly what was wrong with him. I ran back to the room I was laying in and tried to shake my body awake gently.

"Wake up!" I yelled, I looked but I was not moving. I tried shaking my body vigorously but it still wouldn't budge.

"Wake up you bitch!" My voice was hoarse and vague, I could barely here it myself.

I now realise how stupid I am sounding, I am trying to wake my own body which is coma dosed- I can't win! In all the heat of the moment I was beginning to get angry at myself; it was my brain so why couldn't I wake myself up? This was utterly and completely bonkers and I knew it.

Dropping to my knees in a form of defeat, I sobbed into my ghostly pale hands- I am weak , something I have always been told and always knew, I was now admitting it to myself and that's another thing that made me weak.

"What the fuck is going on?" I whispered- it barely just leaving my lips. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Louis again. Why was he here again? He sat in the grey chair and looked over me once again.

"It's funny, I thought you would have been awake by the time I had gotten back? I don't know why, maybe I thought that if I told you wanted I needed to you might wake up." He reached over and took my hand for the second time in his.

"Please wake up for me."

"Sounds easier than it looks dick head!" I shouted at him. He thinks that he can snap his fingers and I will just forgive him immediately like I did when he came and babysat Lucy.

If I am honest, that was like living a dream; it seemed so surreal now I think about it, him kissing me and calling me beautiful. I don't know why I ever chose to forgive him then and I don't even know why I forgave them when they came back. Now look at me, I am in a fucking coma and my life is slowly fading away.

"Please wake up." He whispered, if I could slap him- I would! I wish he would just go home so I don't have to see him sob over my sleeping body. He should just go back and work things out Eleanor and forget about me, it would do us both the world of good.

Wouldn't it?


Hey guys, so I updated. Sorry if it's shit!



"Been a lot of places, I've be all around the world. Seen a lot of faces..."




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