Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Four days!

Four fucking days I had sat on top of my laying body waiting for myself to wake up. I was still breathing which was a huge relief but I couldn't understand why I wasn't waking up when I clearly wanted to.

Every single day, Louis came and checked on my sleeping body, asked my mother or Ellie if there was any sign that I would be waking up but of course there was nothing.

I want to wake up so why can't I?

I suppose it's because I'm not well enough but now, thinking about it I don't even know why I'm in here. I made a promise to my father that I would be strong- but is that why I am here to keep me alive? I'm so confused.

I was sick of being sat here in this place, why was I even here anyway- my ghost; I'm not dead!

For the fifth time now Louis walked in with red circles around his eyes. I'm not going to lie, I got a warm feeling knowing he came to see me every day but it doesn't mean I will forgive him as easily.

Louis' P.O.V

Four days.

She is still in the coma and it's all my fault. Going all the way back to when we were in primary school, I should have never hurt her- ever!

Jay just lies there I can see her check moving up and down but that's the only movement.

I swear to god when she wakes up I will never leave her side.

Eleanor hasn't spoken to me since my out burst in the concert, I think she is trying to think things through- what's he next action, what does this mean for us etc.

Jay's mother wasn't in the room so I guess she left to freshen up or have a proper nap at home in her bed. Lucy didn't quite understand what had happened so we told her Jay was very sleepy.

I walked over to Jay and pulled the chair up to her bed, if I was going to say something I may as well now with out people hearing.

"Jay I am so sorry I put you in here. I feel like shit! I did something for you but you can watch that when and if you wake up. You need to wake up though! You have to. I have to beg for your forgiveness and never hurt you again- I need to have another chance even though I have had millions. I need a chance to make everything better. Please wake up." I held her hand and squeezed to see if I could try and get a reaction from her. However there was nothing.

Jay's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do? When Louis squeezed my hand I didn't feel anything? Does that mean I am not ready to wake up or is there something missing?

"Louis!" I tried screaming but it came out in a strangled cry and he didn't hear it; I am a ghost after all.

Louis didn't stay long this time, which I almost glad for. I unfolded my legs from my sleeping body and stepped down onto the marble floor in the perfect white heels. I stood up and straightened my dress. If I had to be a ghost, I am glad that I get to be like this.

I started walking out the room and down the corridor, I wanted to have a look at other patients if I didn't want to get caught this is my chance.

I started strolling down the corridor looking in rooms, I saw other people in comas, some women who just gave birth and some people getting parts of their body sewn up- that part wasn't the best thing to see.

I walked passed a door that seemed to catch my attention. I'm unsure of why, I just felt like it was calling me. I opened the door and started to take in the big room before me. It was amazing.

It held an occupant however, I looked around and saw the patient sitting on a chair in the far corner of the room, he was writing something- who is it?




I know it's short but I don't care. Thanks for so many reads. You're all amazing. Well this is a bombshell isn't it. Can I just say now, all my stories are already planned out from start to finish, I just need to get that out and type it ;)



"So get out get out get out of my head and fall into my arms instead."




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