Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Fave colour?"

"Navy blue. You?"


"Your such a guy."

"What's that's suppose to mean?"

"All guys say pink."

"Fair point... Next question."

Me and Tommy were playing 20 questions and right now we were on the fifth because..... I don't know why? We were at his house since I didn't need to babysit and he invited me over to his party. I didn't really need to change. I was wearing leggings, vest top and a zip-up hoodie and of course my uggs and dog tags.

"Fave film?"

"Taken or The Core you?"

"Spring Breakers and Monsters Inc. Next question." I waved my hand.

"First kiss." He smirked.

"Umm..." I felt a bit conscious of this subject. Louis was my first kiss back when we were little. It was when I was 10 years old.

"It was when I was 10 wit-with um Louis...." I stuttered and nearly choked



"Was it good?" He asked. I could tell he was a little uncomfortable and so was I.

"Errm yes but no." I smiled sheepishly.

"What do you mean?" I gave me a confused look, awww he looks so cute confused- wait I didn't think that.

"Well it was good at the time but, now after all he has done it makes me sick to the stomach." I looked down ashamed that Louis was the only boy I had ever kissed and he is my bully.

"Bad memory then ay?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Sorta." I nervously laughed.

"Would you do it over?" He smiled while leaning in so his lips were less than an inch from mine.

"Maybe."I smirked.

He laughed and then collided his lips with mine. There was a little spark but it still was amazing. I started to kiss back, our mouths moving in sync. I pulled away and smiled at him. He looked around nervously.

"Errmmm." I smiled, wow this was awkward.


Saved by the bell.

The guests started arriving, there were tonnes coming to this party. People just kept arriving and showing up. I pulled Tommy to the side.

"Do you know any of these people?"

"Yes, but others are friends of friends." He smiled. I shook it off and went into the garden, all I could smell in there was sweat, alcohol and smoke.

"So where's your little protector?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around but no one was there. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned back around. I was met with brown quiffed hair and an evil smile. I jumped and stepped back.

"What do you want Louis?" I wasn't going to give in to him this time. I was sick of his shit.

"I will do the talking." He growled. I smirked.

"Louis, Louis, Louis... Have you gone mad with power." I scoffed.

"Shut it." He snapped.

"I'm not giving in. I am sick of your shit!"

"You get what you deserve." He grabbed my wrist which caused my cuts to burn like hell.

"Hey! I didn't do anything, I thought we cleared that up. You were the one who beat me up for a fucking rep. Brooke is a bitch you could have ruined her rep too. But instead you beat me again as then blame me for it." I yell. He needed to hear this from me. He needs to hear my side.

"I-" I cut him off.

"No! Your not gonna talk, I am! Your gonna hear how hard it is for me. You broke my heart Friday. All I have experienced since the first time was pain. One day I feel like I am on a run out of tears, but you know what almost every tear I have cried is for you. But you couldn't care less could you. Because you like this. You love making me feel worthless and weak- but that's exactly what I am. I'm sick of all the shit you give me even though I may deserve it. I think you are my Karma Louis. But I just need to scream at you this once so you can maybe understand what I go through but as I said you couldn't care less..." I left. I got out of his grip and left. I went back inside. I let stray tears roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped them away and ran into a bathroom.

I looked into the mirror and saw a broken girl. I've become so numb, I took off my jacket and looked at my wrists. They were slashed and red, my arms were grazed and bruised and as for my chest it was just awful. This is what he had done to me. Well what they all had. Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis.

My eyes were red and swollen from the tears. I wiped my eyes and fixed the mascara stains. The door opened and nearly scared me half to death.

"Fuck off Louis." I groaned.

He just looked at me shocked. His eyes wide as they trailed all over my upper body. Then I realised my jacket was off. I grabbed it quickly and put it on zipping it all the way to the top.

"Did I do that?" He whispered. I shifted uncomfortable. There they were again, the tears.

"I need to go."

"Jay!" He grabbed my arm which killed but he couldn't care. I looked up to his eyes which were glassy with tears.

"Please, did I do that?"

"I need to go Louis." I whispered.

"Jay, I'm sorry." He whispered. I scoffed the tears falling.

"No your not. You just feel sorry for me. I can't forgive you this time."

"I am leaving for the X-Factor tomorrow." I was shocked. Louis used to sing to me when we were younger but I never knew he wanted to be a singer?!

"Good, maybe I won't have as many bruises." I snapped.

"Jay, I don't want to leave like this. You were right I was wrong to beat you. I shouldn't of and I am sorry."

"I don't give a shit! It's gonna take a lot to let me forgive you this time. You and your little posse made my life hell." I gritted my teeth.

"Please I am begging you."

"No, I have to leave." He wouldn't let go of me. "Louis please let go of me." I pleaded this time. He loosened his grip and looked at the ground in disbelief, the tears falling off his face and splashing onto the floor.

I once again got out of his grip and ran out. I blocked out Tommy calling my name and I just got out of there. I ran home even if it was 20 minutes away. I didn't stop running, my heart was pounding and I just wasn't believing anything anymore. I was so confused and I just needed to be alone.

After alot of running I finally reached my house. I took out my keys and opened the door. It was late so I wasn't going to run into my mother. I just ran into my room and shut the door. I lay on my bed and cried. I stood up and stripped off my clothes and threw on one of my dads old tee-shirts over my lingerie. It smelt like him, I needed my dad at this moment he made me smile when no one else could. I just miss him, I miss him so much...


I know this may not be much but I just didn't know what to write. I hope you like it :)













Thanx so much I have 20 followers :) thanx soo much for the reads and the votes xxx




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