Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My life: two words that can mean pure joy to some one, but in my case it's pure hell.

My name is Jay, I am a brunnette, about 5'3 and I have light brown eyes. I'm not the prettiest girl ever. In fact according to some people I am the most ugliest thing on earth. I live in London- have done all my life. There is those to words again 'My Life'. My Life is not like a typical teenager's, sure I do well in my work but i'm just not normal. Five words: Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam. Who are they? They are my Bullies. 'my Bullies'- it makes it sound like I own them but I don't. They physically and verbally abuse me. I don't understand why? Me and Louis were once best friends but then he changed.

Anyway, I have a mom and dad, but my dad is never home; he works in the armed forces. My mom has just given birth to my baby sister Lucy so she doesn't really notice me. Basically- I am all alone. Well sort of- I have a best friend Charlie. She knows about everything but they don't bully her- it just seems to be me. I don't really understand why they bully me. They beat me senseless and then leave me hoping I would just die. But I don't someone always finds me. I should let you know I cut...ALOT. I wear long sleeves shirts or jackets so no one sees and I don't just cut on my wrists, it's on my stomach and my legs.

Every time I was in hospital they would ask me about them but I would just say I don't know and they would pass it off as part of the attack. It's only occasionally they take it too far, well I don't think they take it too far they give me what I deserve.

I have learnt to believe that I shouldn't be here, no one wants me anyway. Sure I have Charlie but she has a boyfriend: James. They are a cute couple. I wish I could have that kind of relationship. But I don't- I have never had a boyfriend. I know- I am 17 and I don't have a boyfriend- pathetic isn't it.




That's the alarm- I guess I have to wake up for he- I mean school.

"Jade wake up darling." My mother calls out to me. Yes I know why did you say Jay when your name is Jade- well it's because Jade is a precious gem and I am neither of them.

I groaned and got out of bed. I walked over to my en suite and took a shower. I winced when the warm water touched my body. I had cut again last night. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth through the pain.

When I was finished I got out and walked over to my mirror. I stared at my reflection in disgust. My mother is beautiful and my father is handsome- so why am I so awful? I brushed my hair and dried it quickly. I let it out naturally because I couldn't be bothered to do anything with it. I walked in my wardrobe and picked out a cream jumper and black skinny jeans. I but on my black TOMS and placed my dads dog tags under my shirt. I didn't want anyone to know my dad was fighting away from home. Sometimes we would get a call saying he was badly hurt and receiving treatment and it would tear me apart. My dad is the only one that listens to me. He understands me. Of course he doesn't know about the bullying but he looks after me when he is home. I snapped out of my thoughts and put on my black leather jacket. I got my phone and black River Island bag and walked down stairs. I saw my sister in her chair just staring at me so I picked her up and cradled her. I kissed her lightly in the forehead and put her back down.

"Morning love- you need to go in 20 minutes. Here is breakfast" she handed me some toast. I stared at it and felt hungry. I didn't want to eat it. So I sat down and picked at it. Placing tiny pieces in my mouth.

"We have a babysitter coming tonight because I am going out." My mom stated looking at a magazine. I sighed and responded.

"Mom I am 17 I can look after myself and Lucy." I gave her a look that said 'come on you have got to be joking'.

"It's not that I don't trust yo-" I cut her off "no that's exactly what it is" I nodded my head annoyed.

"Ok that's exactly what it is." I sighed at my mother. "Just be back home because he will be here at 4" I nodded at her and kissed my sister and mom on the head. I picked up my bag and my keys and walked out the door.

I looked across my street to see Louis just leaving- yes I live right next to him. I quickened my pace so I wouldn't get an early beating; that's the last thing I need.

At the pace I was going I got to school in 5 minutes. I avoided the other boys and opened my locker. I took out my books and shut the door. I was then slammed into the side. I clutched my side and looked up- it was Liam and Louis and they were laughing.

"Hi slut!" Liam smirked slapping me in the face. I think I have just learned not to scream for help or cry- cause nobody comes and they don't stop. They only make it worse. I sit there and looking at the ground taking in all the names they are calling me.

"Look at us when we are taking to you!" Louis shouted pulling me up onto my feet only to knock me down again. This time I cried out in pain. They left me on the floor. I ran to the toilets and coughed up a tonne of blood. I looked at the time on my phone I could still make it to class without getting a detention. I wouldn't mind having a detention if five certain boys weren't there. I ran to my form room and walked in. I sat at the back away from the boys; they all sat scattered across the class with their fair share of sluts. Louis had to sit in front of me though so I constantly get verbally abused from that.

"Jade Evans you have a letter for you. For some reason it was delivered to school instead of home." I walked to the front of the class. I took the letter from him and saw the Armed Forced logo in the corner. I smiled realising it was from my Dad. He probably wanted me to be happy at school.

I took it back to my seat and decided whether I should open it. I thought I should since I needed something to cheer me up. I quietly opened the letter as Sir went on about something I really didn't care about.

Dear Jay- Jay (a/n nickname)

Hello sweetie, how are you? I hope you are okay. How's your mother? Is Luce okay? Anyway I hope you are all fine! I wanted to surprise you at school with a letter cause I know how much you hate it! He he! But what u really want to tell you is that I am not going to be able to make it back anymore. I know I said I promised that I would come home this weekend, I can't. I have been called out to another station for another 6 months- which means I will miss your birthday next week. I am so sorry Jay! I love and miss you all with all my heart.

I hope I can see you soon.

Dad xxx

P.S there are my old Dog Tags enclosed cause I got new ones. Love you xxxx

I read the last of it and looked at the Dog Tags inside. I didn't take them out. I looked at my teacher and noticed the whole class was staring at me. Louis and the others were smiling and I didn't realise why. Until I felt the tear on my hand. I was crying. I closed my eyes, letting all the tears roll down. I looked at Sir and he gave me a nod. I picked up my belongings and ran out the class.

"From the cops about you being a prostitue slut?" Louis yelled as I ran out the door. I heard Sir have a little go at him but I didn't care.

I ran into the bathroom and let out all my sadness. The tears came pouring out as I sat on the ground and read the words over again (a/n see what I did ther? No? Continue). I took out the Dog Tags and places them around my neck and doing the same routine with my other one.

I pulled out my phone and saw I had a message from my mom.

From Mom:

Hey sweetie I gt a letter from dad. He said he sent one to your school. I am soo sorry. Speak to you later. Xxx

Well that means I don't have to phone her.

I finally stopped crying and decided on something I know I shouldn't. I took out the small razor I kept in my bag and slid it across my wrist. Blood oozed out of it but I didn't stop. I carried on until blood poured out. I felt better and then washed my wrists. They stung as I let the cold water hit them but I didn't care. I washed my puffy eyes and redid my make up routine. I placed the letter in my bag and walked out.

I walked back into my classroom and everyone stared at me like I had killed 20 people. I knew I had covered my arms up with my long sleeved shirt so I know it wasn't that. I sighed and walked back to my seat. I sat down and got my stuff out.

Louis turned round and gave me a sympathised look. I looked at the ground- careful not to meet his gaze. I looked back up and he had an angry expression on his face. He smirked and turned around. Shit! I was in for it!

Louis P.O.V

Wow Jay looked pretty upset about that letter! Good! She deserves it after what she did to me.... No Louis! Don't think about that! She hurt you!

Well lets just say she is gonna have such a beating after school.


Hey! New story and I think I am gonna begin another one aswel cos ya know Y.O.L.O!!!!!! Thanx if u read my stories and this!it means alot! Please comment cos I like it when u do! It makes me feel soo loved 😝

Dedication to @chelseatomlinson99 cos she is the first person evvvvaaaaa to comment!!!!!! ❤💜💙💚💛💗


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