Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Another six day like this. I was beginning to get bored and impatient- I could touch or move anything- it wasn't like I was a ghost and I soon learned that, I was a shadow and that was it; my brain was active but I wasn't. After hearing several conversations between the doctor and my mother, I then learned they didn't think I would make it. They said that in the end my body would just give up working and there was nothing they could do about it. Of course I didn't want this to happen- I had to be strong and stay alive, that's the reason I checked into this bloody facility in the first place. Thinking about it now (sitting on top of my body once again) I realise that I should have just left the country and gone to a remote island where no one would ever find me ever again; I could be away from all these problems and more importantly- Louis!

My face looked pale and grey, even though it looked like I was sleeping, to me it looked like I was in pain, I looked down confused at my unconscious self and looked at what I was sitting on, this is puzzling; if I can't touch or move anything then how am I sitting on my body? I went to touch my face to find that my skin did in fact touch... my skin I guess? This weird encounter forced me to start caressing my cheek, I wanted to try and open my own eye but it was like they were nailed shut. I gasped when my skin grew cold and my hand went straight through my head just like whenever I tried to grab something to throw at Louis whenever he would start to sob or ramble about how sorry he is.

I rubbed my own forehead (not the unconscious one) and stared at the heart monitor, the once slow line began to speed up and beat at a dramatic and rapid rate, just seeing this, I knew it as bad but I couldn't do anything, I jumped up and started screaming for some help but no one was coming- shouldn't there be an alarm going off? What's going on? I ran back into the room, well as fast as I could run in these pearl heels.

The bright green line was getting faster if it was possible. "Errgggghhhhhh!" I yelled in frustration. How could my heart be beating this fast? "Just fucking calm down!" I shouted at myself. I rubbed and rubbed my face trying to take it all in and the rapid noise of the heart monitor.

The door opened and a unfriendly face stepped in. I couldn't believe they were here? Their eyes went wide when they saw the heart monitor and started yelling for help. Really, they are yelling for help? Doctors rushed in and started getting tools and specialists to come and save my life.

My unwanted visitor came over an started caressing my check, they put their hand on my forehead and whispered. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be fine. Please just stay alive." They whispered.

I couldn't believe this was happening, they were helping me, I thought they would have wanted me dead. My breathing was increasing and before I knew it, I passed out slipping back into my body.

Unknown P.O.V

Thoughts poured into my brain as I avoided my phone and computer; I didn't want to see what people were saying about Jay- it was too cruel. This whole situation is messed up to the extreme and I just wanted to sort everything out. This just wasn't fair.

She has been in that coma for too long and it's partly my fault.

"That's it!" I said grabbing my jacket and keys, I left my little apartment and got in my car ready to go to the hospital. Psyching myself up to actually doing this and not turning back. That was hard, I mean what if she wakes up and freaks out when she sees me.

After about a twenty minute drive I finally reached the hospital. I pulled into a parking space and slowly got out, trying to stall as much as I possibly can! I didn't want to do this but I had to. I had to see if she was ok. When I got to the reception there was an old lady waiting at the desk. "Hello how may I help you?" she asked with a tired smile. "I want to visit Jay Evans." I spoke, my voice a little shaky. "She is down the hall sixth right." She gave me a sorry smile- I wonder why? "Thank you." I started walking down the dull hallways. Some people were laughing, most were crying. I felt so much guilt flood my body- I put her in here.

I reached Jay's room and was met with a fast beeping noise. My eyes scanned the room to see the heart monitor going crazy. I pulled my hair back and tried to move my feet and scream for help. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could. Doctors rushed into the room grabbing equipment and yelling for specialists. I walked over to her and caressed her cheeks. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be fine. Please just stay alive." I whispered.

I was snatched from the room by nurses. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked desperately. The nursed shrugged her shoulders, "We don't know. If I am honest we don't think she is going to wake up?". I sighed and gulped down the brick in my throat. "You may have just saved her life though." The nurse smiled making me feel just a tiny bit better. "I need to ask you a few questions." I nodded my head for her to continue. "What's your relation to Miss Evans?" I don't really know. Just lie! "Friend." I took a deep breath. "Okay and we need your name." The nurse wrote on her clipboard.

"Eleanor, Eleanor Calder."


So Eleanor saved Jay.
Did you expect that?
Nope I bet you didn't ;-)
So thanks for all the reads guys and can I just say this story is bout to get good.

DEDICATION TO: @Idkclaudine


"You give me that kind of something want it all the time need it everyday."




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