Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Darkness. That's all I can see.

I tried to move my fingers but the pain of the simple gestures proved to be too much. Obviously the strain from the attempt triggered something in my mind and the aching started. My head throbbed with everything I had left in my body. I could hear Doctors and Nurses talking around me but their words were so blurred I couldn't make out anything they were saying. I need to open my eyes. Except I can't- well I don't think I can. If something like moving my fingers turned out to be too difficult then what would happen if I tried to open my eyes? Also, my head hurt so bad it felt like if I tried to open my eyes they would roll back into my head.

I had to try.

I started taking deep breaths through my nose but I was hit with pure oxygen that made me want to choke- ok no deep breaths! Painfully I started twitching my head to see if I could, in fact, make any sort of movement at all. I heard someone gasp and reach for my hand. They squeezed it and from what little I could make out they were whispering some kind of encouragement to me. Whether it was or not it helped me get the courage to move my fingers and it worked. I felt myself being moved forwards and I realised that my bed was being raised to help me wake up. Finally I conjured up enough strength to open my eyes, the white light blinded me and made my eyes sting, I had to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust but it was worth it.

I'm awake.

A burning pain started behind my eyes- probably from the strain and a stabbing pain coursed through my head. I looked down to where my hand was being held and saw perfectly manicured nails and a simple diamond ring. I knew I hadn't dreamt any of it. It was Eleanor!

"What are you-" I tried to talk but my throat was so dry and hoarse I could only say a few words. I brought my spare hand up to my throat and noticed the needle in my hand. Where the needle was inserted was pale, bruised, ghost skin- it almost made me want to be sick. Eleanor handed me the small cup of water on the side and I bought it up to my lips. The liquid felt so good and chilled against my throat, I swallowed and winced as the dryness was like eating a cracker- without chewing it first.

"Are you okay?" Eleanor asked me. I scoffed and tried my best to make out a small laugh.

"Do I look okay?" I squeaked, I couldn't see my face but I am sure I looked terrible and dead. I wasn't sure what Eleanor's motives were here, she saved me but that didn't mean she was off the hook for what she did.

"I came to see you and your heart started failing. They are trying to reach your mother as we speak." She seemed timid and almost ashamed. I didn't want to fight with her I just needed to see my mother, especially after what I saw.

"Why did you come?" I squeaked again. I wanted to know why now she came? Why, on the day my heart was going to fail, did she decided to come and visit me in my dosed slumber? Was she like a fucking miracle or something?

"I wanted to apologise for everything. You didn't deserve any of it and I needed to see you." She stared at her hands and waited for my response.

"Why did you save me?" I asked not really looking at her either.

"How did you-" She shot her head up.

"When they say you have an 'out of body' experience when you're in a coma- they're not lying." I laughed a little knowing how stupid and childish I sounded.

"You're kidding?" Eleanor laughed.

"I'm not. It's like you're a ghost. You kind of just leave your body and become this glowing angel in white. You can walk around the room and leave the room. You can hear people talking and you can see people. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to throw a brick a Louis for being such a pussy." We both laughed.

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