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A/N: So, here's the epilogue! Sorry, I got stuck on a little bit to write:L Sorry, of it's rubbish:L


***2 years later***

***Jess POV***

"You ready babe?" Harry asked me from outside the bathroom. Yes, Harry and I were going out. After he took me out on a wonderful date, I agreed to going out with him. It was perfect, he was perfect. I looked into the mirror one last time applying my finishing touches to my makeup, and fixing my hair slightly. I now looked presentable. You could see the slight rise of my stomach. Yes, you heard right. I was pregnant, not far along, only seven or eight weeks.

"Almost." I replied.

Tonight all of us -the couples- were going out for a celebration dinner, to celebrate the boys' third tour over. Everything seemed to go so quick.

"Hurry up babe, we need to be there soon."

I stepped out the bathroom and his mouth dropped.

"Can you notice the baby bump as much?" I asked, getting cautious of it.. The others currently didn't know, because I had been with my mum, my sister and Harry's family for a little holiday; because the tour finished like three weeks ago, but everyone was spending time with their families and friends and just relaxing. His and my family knew, but the others didn't.

"No, you look gorgeous babe." He smiled before pressing his lips against mine, and pulling away again.

"Right, let's get going." We inter-whined our hands and made our way to Harry's car. He let go of my hand and opened to door for me. I quickly got in and waited for him to join me.

"You excited?"

"Yes.. Scared of telling people though.. Don't know why." I chuckled.

"Don't be." He inter-whined our hands again with his spare one. And it never broke until we arrived to the restaurant.. Well, I say restaurant.. Nando's; Niall's choice.

We seemed to be the last ones there. Danielle, Liam, Eleanor and Louis were all standing together talking, the boys with their arms wrapped around their girlfriends waists. Then there was Zayn and his girlfriend Perrie, she was out of the band -that also formed off the xfactor- Little Mix. She was gorgeous, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. Then next to them was Niall, Beth and baby Petal. Yes, you heard right, baby Petal. After Niall and Beth got together, about a year later, she fell pregnant. She was nearly ten months old now, and she was gorgeous.

-A/N: Baby picture to the side! It's actually my little cousin! So no hate!!-

I walked over to Beth and Niall and hugged them both. Me and Niall were still really good friends.

"Beth, I haven't seen you in ages." I said, embracing her once again.

"I know, I've missed you bestfriend." She giggled, same with baby Petal.

"Gosh, shes so cute." I giggled, thinking Harry and I would have one of those soon.

"She is." Niall butted in.

The others finally noticed I was here and approached us. Harry and Louis started having a little moment.. Well, they hadn't seen each other in ages. Eleanor came over to me, and pulled me into a hug.

"I know." She whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Your bump." She giggled.

Was it really that noticeable? But, I had to tell Eleanor not to tell anyone else.

"El, don't tell anyone else, we're going to announce it at dinner." I giggled, and looked down at my stomach, in the process I caught a glimpse of El's hand.. Was that a..ring?

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