Chapter 17

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A/N: So, the next chapter will probably be that last... Then I'll do the epilogue..:') So, nothing much to say really:L But...enjoy!<3

Chapter 17

***Beth POV***

Urghh. More? Are you joking me? The others were right.. I am shit.

I laughed.

But, the dance teacher, she's good for Liam! Nah, he won't want her will he?

"That's it everyone." The face teacher -Danielle- said. She was gorgeous! She had dark brown, frizzy hair! She was just gorgeous!

"Thank god." I said, but a little too loud. Danielle over heard it. She just laughed.

I giggled.

Everyone was leaving, but I was still sitting down.. I couldn't move. Haha!

"So, you coming here again?" She laughed.

"Yeah, why not?" I laughed.

"You were actually really good though." She said, seriously.

"Really?" I giggled.

"Yeah, you just need to get used to it." She giggled.

"Ha. Thanks. I should be off now." I laughed.

"Yeah. See you again sometime." She laughed.

"Will do." I winked, then waved.

Well, that was fun.

I giggled to myself, thinking of that whole 2 hour dancing lesson. HAHAHA!

I eventually arrived back at the hotel. I walked in our hotel room to be bombarded with questions.

"How was it?"

"Where there any fit girls there?"

"Bet you were shit right?"

The last one was Jess'. I just laughed, and started answering them. "It was okay." I laughed. "No, I'm not a fucking lesbian."

Everyone laughed.

"And shut up Jess." I poked my tongue out at her.

"No, but seriously. How did it go?" She laughed.

"I said, it went great." I laughed.

"Yeah, whatever." She winked at me.

"Liam, you're coming with me though next time!" I said, he just nodded.

"Alright then." He laughed.

"So, what are we all dressed u so nice for?" I asked, looking at all their smart outfits.

"We're going out to celebrate the tour." Harry said.

"Yep, going to get drunk." Louis fist pumped the air. Him ad Harry then hi-fived.

"No you're not Louis!" Paul said, popping his head round the door.

"Why not?" He pouted.

"We have an early flight tomorrow, and I'm not having you with a hangover!" Paul said, all of us laughed at the doncaster lad, who was sat there all sad faced.

"Party pooper!" He shouted, and faked cried into El's chest.

"Suck it up babe! I thought you were a man." El giggled.

"So you're saying I'm not a man?!" He gasped.

She screamed, got up and ran off. Louis got up and ran after her, and started tickling her. Awe, they are just so god damn cute together!!

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