Chapter 18

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated on this in a little while.. Sorry if it's rubbish also.. I'm knackered.. Because me and @missrobynBhoran had a sleepover last night, and we didn't got to bed till like 3am ish:L aha. But yeah, hope you like it:')

Chapter 18

***Liam POV***

"I haven't been up this early in ages." Beth moaned.

I laughed.

"You can sleep on the plane." I said to her.

She moaned again. "But I want to sleep now."

"Well.. You can't." I laughed, which got myself a poked out tongue in reply.

We all walked onto the plane and took our seats. Me next to Zayn, with El and Louis opposite us. Then, Harry next to Jess, with Niall and Beth opposite them. I think Niall likes Beth, and Beth likes Niall.

"So, Zayn. No, don't put your headphones in and fall as- Too late." I moaned. El laughed at me.

Zayn can never, ever stay awake for planes rides, even car rides most of the time.

Once he had his headphones in, he was gone.

Think I might drop off myself..

***Jess POV***

"Shut up Beth, you're an idiot." I laughed.

"I'm not." She pouted.

"How could you be so mean?" Harry chuckled.

"I'm not.. She is.." I winked.

"That's it I'm leaving." She says, she goes to unbuckle her seatbelt but is interrupted by a voice speaking.

Everyone laughed.

"Attention, please buckle your seat-belts as we're heading for a thunder storm!"

"Ahhh!" Both Beth and I screamed.

"Thunder buddies for life yeah?" I said.

"You're freaking right." She said.

"Right come on lets sing the thunder song."


"When you hear the sound of thunder don't you get to scared. Grab your thunder buddy and say these magic words." We took a deep breath.

-A/N: Play the videoto the side if you don't know it.. It's hilarious... Ahaaaaa-

Both Niall and Harry were both looking at us like 'wtf?'.

"We don't like the thunder okay?" I giggled.

Just then, a crash of thunder rang through the plane.

"Niall save me." Beth whined, wrapping her arms around Niall. Niall wrapped his arms around her, comforting her. Awe!

"You alright?" Harry whispered in my ear.

I was fine. Well, for now anyway.

"Yeah, I'm fi-." A loud crash of thunder interrupted me, causing me to scream and dig myself in Harry's chest.

"It's alright." He said, before kissing my hair.

I had a feeling this was going to be a long flight...


"So, the others are asleep... What do we do?" Harry asked. Harry grabbed my hand and we entwined our fingers. It was like they fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. Cliché, I know right?

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