Chapter 4

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 Chapter 4

The others were chatting about random stuff, they kept asking Beth why she was afraid of people eating her feet but she just kept changing the subject. She had never told me why.. Hmm, strange. 

I went out to Harry's kitchen to get some food for me and Beth and Harry and Liam followed me. 

"Jess, can I ask you something?" Harry said to me in a quiet voice.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"You know your friend Hope." He smiled. "Well is she single?" I smiled, I knew it! They were perfect for each other..

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well, when is she next free? Is she free tonight because I think we were all planning to go out." He stated.

"Yeah, I'll just text her. Where are we going?" I wondered, it was the first I had heard anything about it.

"Where do you think?" He chuckled showing his cute dimples.


"Yep, you got that right." He said putting his arm round my shoulder. "So are you going to ask her to come?"

"Yeah, give me two minutes." I said before grabbing my blackberry out of my pocket. I started typing out the message that read 'Hope, you busy tonight? We are going to Nando's.x' I didn't say the boys we're going to be there.. I wanted to surprise her.. 

A few seconds later I got a reply 'No, I'm free.. What time?' I looked over to Harry and showed him the message and then he grabbed my phone out of my hands and started typing away. 'About 6ish. See you there.x'

I smiled at him and walked back into the living room with loads of food. Both Beth and Niall's faces lit up at the sight of food.

"So what's this about going to Nando's at 6?" I shouted sitting on the couch.

"Shit, knew there was something to ask you two." Niall laughed coming to sit next to me on the couch and then came Beth. Liam came in with a DVD and I could of guessed what it was going to be.. Toy Story. Liam put the DVD in and then settled down next to Beth. 

As we all settled down in the boys' living room, I cuddled up to Niall, he and the flat was so warm and I felt so relaxed. 

I was drifting off to sleep when the door bell went. "I'LL GET IT!" Louis shouted jumping off the couch, it was Eleanor. She came in, she was even more pretty in person. 

"Shh Louis, Jess was going to sle-" Niall started saying before she walked in. "Oh, Hi Eleanor." I just giggled. 

"So who's this?" Eleanor asked.

I couldn't really answer, I was too tired. "Eleanor baby, meet Jessica-Mae and Beth. Beth and Jess meet Eleanor." Louis introduced us to each other! "Now that's sorted we'll be going out. BYE" And with that they were already gone and out of the door.

"Go back to sleep babe." Niall whispered into my ear which made me shiver.


"Hope. Are you okay?" We had all just arrived, and Hope had seen that we were with One Direction, oh and Eleanor, you can't forget about her..

"Yeah." She smiled and we all started to walk in.

Harry and Hope sat next to each other, So did Louis and Eleanor, and then Zayn was next to Louis, then followed by me and Niall then Beth and Liam.

"So, what's everyone ordering?" The waitress came over.

"I'll have the Veggie Pitta please." I asked.

"Same for me please." Harry smiled. 

"I'll be greedy and have the Double Chicken Breast in Pitta." He laughed putting his arm around me.

"Haha, very greedy Niall." I winked at him and he just pressed a peck on my lips. 

"Ew, not at the table please." Louis shouted and the waitress let out a slight giggle. "Eleanor and I will have the peri-peri chicken with a side of corn." 

"I will have chicken burger and chips , the double chicken breast in pitta oh and a milk shake " Beth smiled while saying Liam looked at her and laughed. 

"Woah someone is even more greedy than me." Niall said while laughing Beth smiled and turn a little red.

"Hold up you haven't seen her when she's hungry" I laughed, looking at her, she was turning just a little bit more red.

"I like a girl who loves food" Liam went bright red after realising he said it out loud, Beth smiled at him 

"Hope? What are you having?" I looked over to a kind of tired and pale Hope. "Hope are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. And I don't want anything." She said leaning on Harry's shoulder.

The rest of them ordered their meals and the she went off to get our orders.

Harry held his hand up against Hope's head. "Hope you're really warm." He removed his hand. "Are you sure you're alright?" A concerned Harry asked her.

"Harry, I'm fine really." She said closing her eyes. 

Finally our meals came and we enjoyed every bit of them.. Hope was asleep on Harry's chest. 

"Hope, Hope? I'm going to take you back to mine." Harry stated and picked her up bridal style and took her out of the restaurant. We waved them goodbye, we were all staying for a little longer. And we wanted to give Harry and Hope some space.

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