Chapter 8

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Sorry it took me a little while to upload the next chapter, I've been busy with exams and homework-.-

Chapter 8

-Day Before We Leave On The Plane-

*****JESS POV*****

It was 6 o'clock and it was time for me to wake up Niall. Me, Niall, Beth and Liam were all going on a jog together! I mean, with the food that Niall and Beth eat.. We need to get them to jog.

"Niall, get up." I shoved him and he rolled over the bed, he grabbed me and put me on top of him. "Niall, I know you're awake, get up."

"Just five more minutes please babe." I smiled at him. 

"Okay then. But you better get up in five minutes." I rolled off of him and onto the other side of the bed. We were at his flat, so I was already dressed, I had to go home and get some change of clothes.

*****LIAM POV*****

Haha! Its going to take me a long time to get Beth up, she was out of it last night. 

"Beth, babe, get up." As I thought it was hard, she wouldn't get up. She just moaned and groaned. "BETH AUBREY! Get up now!" She giggled a bit, and sat up. Finally. It took me about 5 minutes for her to get up.

"I don't want to go jogging." She moaned.

"Tuff, you are coming." I laughed. "Now come on, get dressed. We need to meet Niall and Jess soon." 

She eventually came downstairs, and she looked beautiful, even if they weren't the best of clothes. 

"Right, let's go." I said grabbing her hand, yes me and her were together now. Since the first date, I really liked her and I'm glad we met!

*****JESS POV*****

Me and Niall were off to the park to meet Liam and Beth. Niall wasn't it the best of moods.

"Jess, I don't want to jog." Niall moaned holding my hand and putting his head on my shoulder.

"Sorry Nialler, but you have too." I laughed, I can't believe I was forcing Niall Horan to jog.

"But please, I'm tired." He moaned again.

"Aww, poor Niall." I chuckled slightly, and he gave me the look. 

Before we knew it we were standing in front of Liam and Beth. Me and Liam were ready to go but Niall and Beth looked knackered.

"Come on." Liam said to them and we all got on with it. 

*****NIALL POV*****

We had only been jogging for 20 minutes and me and Beth were already knackered. I saw a bench and thought this is the perfect moment to have a rest. I ran over to the bench and sat down and Beth followed me.

"Haha, its time for a break right Beth?" I chuckled.

"Yes. I don't think I can go any further." She smiled. "And I'm hungry." I smiled at her and we both got out a cinnamon swirl out of our pockets at the same time.

"Hey, that was my idea to bring food." I joked with her.

Liam and Jess just shrugged their shoulders and rolled their eyes at us. But who could blame us. We were hungry!

"Niall, you just jogged all that time, how can you be eating?" Jess asked me, she just laughed. 

Once I'd finished my snack, I got up off the bench and went over to Jess. I gave her a little hug. "Jess can we go home now?"

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