Chapter 13

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So I entered this story in the 1DNommieAwards.. Could you maybe, go vote for meh?! Much love:') 

Umm, got this update in while my family where here.. I'm awsome;) haha

Nothing much to say.. 

Oh yeah this chapter is dedicated to @SheDevil1459 because she loves this story, and she's ever so sweet:3333 <333 

But yeah.. Enjoy this chapter:DDDDD 

Sorry it's short-_- haha, but I'm trying to make it more chapters:') haha

Chapter 13

****HARRY POV****

"Do you love me?"


"Do you love me? Yes or No?" I asked Hope in our Hotel room once it was just me and her.

"Why would you ask that?"

"If you did, you would answer, but you obviously don't!" I shouted.

"Fine, then, be like that Harry!" She shouted back.

"Well, do you love me or not?"

"Harry!" She shouted. "I can't believe you don't believe that you don't believe me!"

I stormed out the room.. She doesn't love me, does she?

****HOPE POV****

"Jess?" I said to my bestfriend.

"Hope? What's wrong?"

"He.. He.. Thinks that I don't love him." I cried.

"What?" She practically shouted. "Well do you love him?" 

"Uh, I, uh. Like, Him." I said. "But, I think I love Justin more." What have a I done?

"Well, you've got to tell him." She smiled.

"I can't, he'll hate me."

"No, he won't.. It'll be fine." She hugged me.

I guess I could trust her.. Right?


"I knew it." He shouted.

"I'm sorry." I started to say. "I just love Justin more."

"What's he got that I haven't got. eh?" He looked like he was going to cry. Was I going to make Harry Styles cry??

"I can't answer that Harry." I said. "I'm going to go now." 

"Yeah, go running to Justin, your lover!" He shouted. 

This was all bad.. Why did I have to fall in love with Justin.

****HARRY POV****

I can't believe it..

She loves Justin over me..

Right that's it.

I'm getting drunk.

I walked out the tour bus, and searched for the nearest local bar.. Eventually after twenty minutes of walking around like a lost puppy, I had found a bar.

Time for me to forget everything, and everyone around me, just for a few hours anyway...

****BETH POV****

"Liam." I said to my boyfriend as we were walking hand in hand through the massive shopping mall.. Considering it was the boys' day off, we spent it together. 


"Can we go get some food now?" 

He laughed.


"You." He replied.


"Yeah, you're always eating." He laughed. "I'm surprised you're not fat."

"Hey." I slapped him.

"Ow." He pouted.

"That so didn't hurt." I joked.

"Whatever." He kissed me. "Now, let's go get some food, just for you."

"Woo." I screamed.

He just laughed at me, as I ran for the nearest Nando's..

****NIALL POV****

 Me and Jess were both laying in the tour bus, everyone else was out. It was just me and her, the way I wanted it to be.


"Hm?" She looked at me, and I looked into her big green eyes.

"I love you." I leaned in so our faces were inches apart. It was true, I did love her. I had never felt like this with anyone else. 

"I love you too." She blushed.

"You look so cute when you blush." I kissed the tip of her nose, which made her scrunch up her nose, which just made me laugh.

Just then her phone went off.

"Hello, oh it's you. Go away. No. Piss off! I don't love you. Bye!" I looked at her confused. She looked like she was about to cry.

"It was, urm Jason." She had told me all about Jason, the prick!

"Shh, baby." I coo'ed her, and pulled her into my chest.

"I'm alright though." She let out a giggle.

I laughed. "What did he want?" 

"He's in Paris and wants to know if I wanted to meet him, because he still loves me.. Blah, blah, blah. And he said he's jealous of you." She let out another giggle.


Of me?

I laughed.

"Alright then.." We both laughed.

"Want to watch tv?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. I got off the couch type bed thing and turned on the tv.. "What do you want to watch?"

"Eastenders!" She practically shouted.

"Ow. Not in my ear." I laughed.

"Oh sorry." She kissed my cheek.

I just laughed. This girl was amazing, and she was mine.

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