Chapter 11

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Sorry its been so long since I uploaded.. I had no ideas, and I totally forgot about it:L hahah xx But yeah anyways here it is:D



Chapter 11

*****HARRY POV*****

Wait, what have I  done? How could I be such a dick?

“Jess, wait.” I shouted running after her. She had was close to the door to go into the big dance floor room. I grabbed her arm, and turned her to look at me. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." She looked down at the ground.

"I really am." I placed the tips of my fingers on her chin and lifted up her head.

"I know Harry, but I really should get back to Niall." She smiled a smile, but I knew it was a weak one. I was such an idiot.

I let go off her arm and her chin and smiled at her one more time, but she just turned away. She just ran out of the room and onto the dance floor and then back with Niall.

*****JESS POV*****

How could Harry do that to me? I mean, I don't love Harry! I love him as a best friend, but that's as far as it would go. I didn't like that kiss, did I? No. I couldn't. I love Niall. Oh, I just don't know what to do anymore.

"You're deep in thought babe." Niall interrupted my thoughts.

"Huh?" I looked over to him, his eyes. I couldn't help it, but I just wanted to kiss him! 

"You look deep in thought." He chuckled putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his body. From the corner of my eye I saw Harry. He looked over at me, but I just immediately looked away.

"Niall, can we just go back to the hotel? I'm tired." I asked him.

"Yeah sure babe." He smiled before grabbing my hand and we placed our hands into each other's. I just smiled back at him in response. We both walked out of the door, again I saw Harry staring at us in the corner of my eye.


*****HARRY POV*****

I shouldn't have done what I did last night.. I felt bad all night. I mean I know that Hope cheated on me.. But I still felt bad.

"Morning." Hope said breaking my thoughts.


"What's your problem?" She put her hand on my arm but I shoved it off.

"Why don't you go ask Justin?" I shouted.

"Harry please don't shout." She replied.

"Sorry." I put my head down.

"Harry, I'm really sorry." She started to say.

"Save it." I said. "Get dressed, we've got to go to a sound check soon. Unless you want to be with Justin."

"You know what Harry.. Maybe I will go with Justin." She started shouting. "Maybe I will go with Justin at least he listens to me."

"I do listen to you!" I shouted back. It was happening, we were having our first argument.


"You know what, go on, go to Justin!" I shouted. "We through!"

I sat on the bed and she ran out of the room in her PJ's. Probably went to Jess's, or Beth's.

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