Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*****BETH POV*****

I woke up the next morning in Liam's flat. Had I stayed the night? I sat up on the bed and then heard the door creak, a topless Liam came through the door.

"Morning beautiful." He said to me coming over and sitting back on the bed.

"Morning." I smiled, I wasn't really a morning person.

"So what are we doing today then?" He smiled putting his arm round my neck.

"Don't mind. We could go see Jess and Niall." I snuggled up to his chest.

"Yeah, sure. I need to see Niall anyway. Actually I need to see all the boys.." I looked up as in the tone of his voice it sounded like something was wrong.

"What? Why?" I asked looking up at him as I gave him a little peck on the cheek. "What time is it anyway?" 

"11." I looked at him.

"I should get up." 

*****HOPE POV*****

I got up this morning I'm my own flat, I had to leave Harry's. But we should see each other today, which is good. I woke up with 5 missed calls from Harry and 2 text messages also from him. It was 11, shit it was late.

From: Hazza..

Hey baby, answer your phone.x

From: Hazza..

Hey baby, I've tried calling you loads but you're not answering. But we all need to meet up, Liam has something to tell us all.x

I checked these and called Harry straight away, what was the big news had to tell us? I dialled in Hazza's number and he answered.

"Hey baby, you got my messages then?" He chuckled down the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, I only just got up sorry." I laughed. "Where are we all meeting?" 

"The Rock Cafe." He said

"Okay, I have to go and get ready." I said waited for him to say 'Bye' and hung up, and started to get ready. Today was really nice so I decided to wear my pink flowery dress with my little black cardigan and my pumps.

I got downstairs and started to have some breakfast and watch a bit of TV.

*****JESS POV******

This morning I woke up before Niall for once. And I received a call from Liam saying that we all had to meet in the rock cafe at 1:00, so I had to get Niall up, this was going to be tricky.

"Niall, get up. We have to meet the others." I said nudging him, he just rolled over.

"Go away." That was what I was greeted with by my charming boyfriend in the morning.

"I have McDonalds breakfast downstairs." I knew this would get him up. He shot out of bed and ran downstairs. What was his face going to be like when he notices there is no McDonalds..

I walked downstairs, to see a pouty faced Niall. He had noticed that was a lie, there was no MaccyD's. 

"Niall I had to say something to get you up, we need to meet the others soon, so go get ready." I shoved him back up stairs. And he obeyed.

*****BETH POV*****

"Hope is late again.." I said, sat here with Liam, Jess, Niall, Zayn, Perrie (Zayn's new girlfriend) she was gorgeous, Louis, Eleanor and Harry. Hope was the only one we were waiting for. The others just laughed.

"That's Hope for you." Jess said smiling at me.

Finally Hope had arrived after 10 long minutes of waiting. 

"So Liam, what's the big news?" Louis said, and we all leaned in, we were hoping for it to be good. It was good, but bad at the same time.

"What? That's great." Harry shouted, yes, they were going on a tour to Paris. It was going to be great all of us. 

"Wait, the girls can come right?" Louis said cuddling with Eleanor.

"That's the problem, it's for like a month and the girls aren't allowed to come." That put a downer on everything..

*****NIALL POV*****

I can't believe I have to leave my baby for a month.. I'm going to go straight to Paul now and talk to him. I can't leave her for a month. I just can't. 

I got up from the table and grabbed Jess' hand. "Where you going Niall?" Liam asked.

"To Paul." I said and walked off and took Jess with me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't leave you for a month." I said to her and I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I love you Jessica-Mae." 

"I love you too Niall."

*****JESS POV*****

I don't want Niall to leave, especially for a month. So I think he's going to talk to Paul about the whole Tour in Paris thing.

He barged in the door. "I'm not going on this Tour without my special girl."

Paul looked shocked. "Well, I'm afraid you will have to." 

I looked down, and it was 1 week today and they would be off for a month! NO! I don't want them to go. I looked down.

"Well then I'm not going!" Niall stated, he seemed serious. 

"No, Niall, you can't stop living your dream, not just for me. Go I'll be fine." I felt like I was going to cry.

"No! I'm not going. Not without you." Niall sat down in the chair. Paul looked like he was going to flip.

"Look, I'll see what I can do. I'll phone Simon later." Paul said.

"No, phone him now." Niall sat there with his arms crossed. Oh I just hope Simon says yes.

After a little while and Paul had phoned Simon. Paul had a massive smile on his face. "I'm guessing its a yes." I said starting to have a smile on my face.

"Yes." Paul said smiling at me. "All of the girls can come with you. You will have to share rooms though." 

"Oh that doesn't matter." Niall winked and led both of us out of the room.

*****LIAM POV*****

So Niall walked off in a strop, and he took Jess with him. 

Niall started to walk back hand in hand with Jess. Where had he gone?

"Niall, where did you go?" Harry asked him, he had been gone quite a while. 

"Paul! I have good news." He smiled at us. "The girls can come with us." We all smiled at each other. We were pretty much all happy that we could stay together, especially since we were going to Paris. Paris is a kind of romantic place to go.. I'm so glad Niall went to Paul, I heard from Jess he was a bit moody though..

*****HARRY POV*****

 I'm so glad that I don't have to leave Hope behind. We have already said that we are going to go up the eiffel tower. It will be a great laugh, especially with Beth..

I'm just so glad we all met..

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