Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Today is a big day for us all because our boss has a big announcement for all of us... It will probably someone who's coming in to do a photo shoot but someone really big, like Take That and Westlife! But we all got told to me in the meeting room at 9... Wonder what the news will be...

I was in the middle of curling my hair when my phone went off...

Hi, we're One Direction... You've gotta help me, I'm stuck inside, answer it to set me free....

"Shit!" I mumbled burning my thumb as I jumped at the sound of my phone. I put down my curlers, and walked over to my bedside table where my phone was lit up on my friend Hope's picture! I quickly answered it. "Hope, what's wrong?" I laughed slightly.

"Nothing. Just wanted to call you to make sure you had woken up!" She laughed from the other end of the phone.

"Yes! I have woken up.. You don't need to worry about that... Now I've got to go. I was in the middle of curling my hair.. And I've just burnt my thumb... I'll come to yours at 8:30, yeah?" I said sucking my thumb in between stops, it really did hurt.

"Yes. I'll see you then! Beth is going to meet us there... See you in about an hour then, bye." I heard her say before she hung up the phone and I went back to curling my hair.


"It's too early.." I moaned as Hope opened the door to me. She just laughed at me. 

"I know, but we need to know what's happening." She laughed dragging me into her flat. I was greeted with a massive hug by little Evie, her niece.. She had been staying for the week. She was absolutely gorgeous. 

"Yeah, I just want to know what it is now." I said picking Evie up smiling at her and then looked back at Hope. "So shall we go?" I put her down and she ran to get something off the side. Hope just laughed. I gave her the 'what the hell' look. 

"Evie did a drawing for you. I'll give you three guesses to guess who it is." Hope said with a massive grin on her face as I got this piece of coloured card handed to me. 

"Is it you?" I laughed, she was laughing but after I said that she stopped and just gave me a glare. "I'm guessing not then!" I laughed.

"It's you!" Evie shouted. Hope let out a slight giggle. I gave her a glare, the drawing didn't look anything like me... First of all I had pink skin, I had green hair, and I had no fingers. I let out a slight laugh, because it looked nothing like me! But I thanked little Evie for the drawing.

"Right, we should go. We don't want to be late." Hope said before shouting out to her sister who was getting all of their stuff packed, her and Evie were leaving today. So we weren't going to see them for a couple of months. So we both gave Evie a little kiss on the cheek and a hug goodbye and walked out of the door and headed to the studios. It was a twenty minute walk from her house, and we had about that time before we had to be there.


"Hey." We were greeted by a grumpy and tired Beth. We both just laughed and dragged her inside. Where we were greeted by our boss who lead us to this big room. We all sat down and stared at him. He just sat there with a massive smile on his face.

"So who is it this time?" I asked Phil our boss, who wiped the smile of his face and sat there but just couldn't help but smile.

"Well girls, we have a band." We all smiled, the bands were the best. "They are British and... One Irish." I sat there and screamed in my chair the others followed after me. We knew who it was. "You guessed it. One Direction are coming here, tomorrow, for their album photshoot!" I stared at Hope and Beth and we all screamed. Phil just walked out of the room. Didn't blame him...

"WE ARE GOING TO MEET ONE DIRECTION!" Beth shouted out, now more awake because of this amazing news! It was only tomorrow! In less than 24 hours we would be meeting One Direction and taking pictures of them.

I think it's safe to say that we are all hyped over the news.


The whole day went slow then fast, then slow, then fast. The whole day was just taking pictures of mothers and daughters. See we do contests, and this month's contest was for a lucky mother and daughter to come down to the studios have their hair and makeup done and then get to have a photo shoot. 

The daughter who was aged eight was gorgeous! She had a perfect smile.. I love it when we do these things.. But because of the news I heard that morning I just kind of wanted it to hurry up and just get it over and done with. But eventually it was over. 





My alarm went off and I shot out of bed. I knew what today was.. It was 'get ready and meet 1D' day. 

I couldn't care less what the time was because I, Jessica-Mae was going to be meeting Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. Not everyone can say that would be happening to them! 

I got dressed into my light blue shorts and my pink and white striped top.. Put a bit of makeup on. Didn't want to put too much on and got on to curling my hair again. I was determined not to burn myself this time though. 

I was nearly finished curling my hair when I heard a knock at the door. "What is it with me being interrupted?" I mumbled to myself opening the door to my ex. "What- Go away!" I shouted slamming the door in his face. I didn't want him to ruin my day. I wanted it to be a happy day! 

"Please. Open up! I need to tell you something!" Jason whined, I opened the door to see him leaning against the wall.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him. He smiled at me and he came out with all of his worries. He was moving... I couldn't care less to be honest! Ever since he got into bed with another girl, just because I wasn't ready... "Okay! Look, Jason. I couldn't care less what you do, so please go. I have an important day at work." I said just shutting the door and walking back into my bedroom.

Fallen In Love [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz