21: Everything About You

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We hold hands while Niall is talking to the men who control the lights and everything happening on the stage about what they are going to do later on in the show.

As soon as Liam yells, "We're on in two!" I drop Louis' hand reluctantly and get myself ready to face the crowd.

A few moments of deep breaths later, the gates open up, revealing the five of us. Everyone in the crowd goes nuts, and we haven't even said anything yet.

We walk out on the stage smiling widely as Liam speaks into his microphone "Good afternoon, Denmark! How are you feeling today?" They all just scream in response.

The concert goes on like normal while Louis and I share a couple of nervous glances here and there.

When Niall finally speaks up, about 7 songs into the concert, I know it's time.

"Today's show is going to be a little different. At the up all night tour, we liked to bring up fan-asked questions and dares, and answer or complete them as good as we could. Now what do ya say we do a little of that again t'day?"

Somehow, Niall convinced the management that this would be a good idea, and that he was the one who got to choose the questions and dares. Now what management do not know is that this was just a cover-up to get out our message to Simon.

This is exactly like when we play 'truth or dare' in the bus. This is just with watchers. Lots of them.

I can see by the response of screams from the crowd that they think it's a good idea.

We start the so called 'game' with a couple of easy questions like what our favourite memory is, which of the songs is our favourites, and what our secret talent is.

I'm still not completely sure how Niall have planned this since he didn't give a lot of informations when he explained his plan to us.

That, however, changes when the next question comes up on the screen. I start reading the question, and in the middle of it realise that this is it.

"Which would you rather experience for the band? - Two of the bandmates date each other while in the band or the two same bandmates get thrown out of the band, because of their relationship."

My eyes find Louis' discretely, since the crowd shouldn't start becoming curious as to if this is real. Even though it is.

"Personally, if they are making each other happy, being in love, I would definitely rather have the first one happen." Niall starts. I can't help but smile at the ground.

"I feel the same way. I think all of us in the band do. But what about the fans? Which would you rather have? 1 or 2?" Zayn says.

I'm slowly realizing that both Zayn and Liam was in on Niall's plan too, and it was just Louis and I who did not know.

I'm immediately brought back to reality when I hear the crowd screaming the loudest they have all night. The whole tour actually.

They are all chanting '1' in sync reaching one finger up.

I smile from ear to ear at the crowds response and opinion. I cannot see one person who is not chanting on the first option.

I look over to see Liam filming the crowd, probably to show Simon the footage tomorrow, so we can prove that this is okay with the fans.

A few seconds later, a new question pops up on the screen behind us and Liam reads it out loud, pointing his phone, which is still filming, towards it.

"Which One Direction bromance do you ship the most?"

Before any of us can even start to say anything the crowd start a new chant.

"Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry." They are screaming at the top of their lungs.

My mouth drops open and my eyes widen. I did not know this many people were shipping us. Wow.

A couple seconds after, both Niall, Liam and Zayn start chanting with the crowd into their microphones.

I bite down on my lip to not smile to widely, my cheeks burning hot from blushing. Louis has the same expression when I look at him.

Then instead of screaming 'Larry', the fans all start yelling, "Hug, hug, hug."

I can't help but obey their command, so I walk over to where Louis is standing, too busy smiling out at the crowd.

I get in front of him and catch him by surprise when I wrap my arms around him.

As soon as I touch him everyone go insane. It's always like this. Whenever Louis and I hug, the energi in the room just flies to the sky. When some of the others within the band hug, it's normal and just great, but as soon as Louis and I embrace the crowd goes wild.

He's quick to hug me back and we stand there for a while just taking this all in. I bend my back a little because I know he likes it best when he doesn't have to stand on his toes to reach my height properly. I walk back to my spot after having let him go, almost feeling empty without him in my arms.

Liam has filmed the whole thing and I cannot wait to see Simon's reaction to this.

Even though the moment is long over, and we are ready for the next question, everyone are still screaming "Larry." on repeat.

I catch Louis gazing at me and I smile widely back at him. This is it. This is our approval.


W-count: 1,6k

Ahhh I love this.

This is not the end of the story guys! There is more!

And yes, I included Denmark in this since it is where I am from. I don't know where they officially went to on their concert number 50, but I wanted to have something with Denmark in it even though it is a small country.

Xoxo, L

Truth or dare? (L.S.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora