Even when she's not around she's around! [44]

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"Babe. This is really beautiful." Nicki whispered as we walked hand in hand through the city.

I loved it here, it's so cool and calm. It feels good to be able to actually walk outside and not being mobbed.

"So." I started as our hands swung back and forth together. "Have you been having a good time so far?"

Nicki smiled up at me. "I have baby, I love it here!"

I looked over at her and placed my arm around her shoulder before leaning down to kiss her forehead then her lips. "I'm glad because I'm loving it here with you. Just us, it feels good."

"Yeah, I feel like we're slowly making up for all the lost time you know."

I nodded understanding what she said. "I get you, we already don't spend a lot of time together so this definitely makes it better."

We talked and laughed as we continued walking around. Just looking at all the sights and all the lights that hung around.

Everything was going straight until my phone rang. I sighed pulling it out my pocket to see Mila's name pop up.

I made a quick glance over to Nicki before answering the phone.

"Y/N we really need to talk." Camila's voice boomed through the phone before I could even say shit. But I'm glad she called me back because I needed to talk to her ass anyway.

"We sure as hell do. Where were you earlier?"

"I was out." She said simply as if it was nothing.

My eyebrow raised as I slowed my walk down. "Out, and you decided to run off and leave our child with Chanel out of all people? I thought you said you ain't want her around?"

"What? No I didn't, I called Rosa and she was supposed to be watching her."

"You sure about that?" How is that even possible? How about ups Chanel have Royalty if Camila ain't let her go with her?

"Y/N yes, I took her to her and everything. I was only going to the studio for a while. Why are you asking, was Chanel there or something?"

"Nah but she was at the house with Royalty. She told me that you called her over to watch her for you."

"That bitch! She lied Y/N, I wish I would've known because when I got back Rosa gave Royalty to me so I didn't see anything wrong. I sure as hell didn't see Chanel there. You know me better than that."

What in the hell was going on. Rosa has never lied to me or done anything sneaky, she's never went behind my back on anything either. But this right here was unacceptable.

"Shits not right Mila. That's exactly why I told her to call Mani or Ally to pick her up, that shit did not sound right."

I could hear her sigh deeply. "Y/N this is a problem. They lied to me and to you about where our child was! Like what in the fuck is going on! That is basically kidnaping!"

She yelled clearly pissed. Hell I am too, Chanel straight up lied to me and as for Rosa she's apparently a snake! I mean I expected some sneak shit from Chanel's ass. Because like I said before once she fucked up she had to go. But now Rosa is playing games. Oh nah they really got the wrong one.

"I'll talk to them and see what's going on."

"No. What you need to do is fire her ass! Both of them need to go!" I sighed knowing she was right. I didn't want to I mean I've know Rosa for most of my career. She's always been there for me, but what she did was wrong and I can't let her do whatever the hell she wants especially when it has something to do with my child.

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