How You Meet

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You met Ruby whilst she was on a mission with her team and you with yours. You crossed paths and ended up working together to fight a bunch of grimm. You both like how well you worked together and decided to stay in touch. She eventually finds out you both go to Beacon and end up spending alot of time together.

You accidentally bumped into Weiss in the courtyard, when you were paying too much attention to your scroll instead of where you were going. It's a good thing she was in a good mood that day, so she forgave you and joined you when you offered to buy her lunch.

You meet Blake in the library whilst perusing through the romance section. You're a little too short to reach a certain book, so she gets it for you. You end up talking about different romance and fantasy novels for hours.

You met Yang at a club your friends dragged you to. She started with a cheesy pick up line but you played it off with one of your own. You laughed and talked all night, eventually finding out you both go to Beacon. until your friends had to drag you out of the club and back home, but not before you gave Yang your number, and you gor hers.

You actually met Nora in a supermarket. She had a basket FULL of pancake syrup. You were a bit stunned that such a small girl could hide away all that syrup, you also wondered what on earth she'd need it for. You eventually offered to get the syrup on the top shelf since she couldn't reach it and had started climbing the shelves to get to them. You found out she's really sweet, quirky and adorable, and you both attend Beacon, which would make it easier to stay in touch.

You meet Pyrrha in sparring class. Everyone kept murmuring about how you had to spar THE Pyrrha Nikos. But you were just confused as to what they meant. You ended up finding out that Pyrrha is a world renound fighter, and that going against her was both an honour and an embarrassment. She loved the fact you treated her as normal as any other person, and didn't idolise her and seperate yourself from her because she was famous.

You caught Velvet taking a picture of you and decided to confront her about it. But she showed you that she was just taking a picture of your weapon. She explained how her semblance worked and you found it fascinating how she was trained to use all those weapons even though she'd just seen them.

Coco was frustrated by the fact you didn't really care how you dressed. She pulled you into a clohing store and shoved some stuff into your hands then pushed you into a stall. You were confused but did it anyway. She ended up buying all of them for you, despite your protests, saying that a girl like you deserves them.

Winter caught you trying to sneak into an Atlas military base. You were trying to complete a dare from your friends. Take a selfie with the new mech and get out, thats all. But Winter caught you red handed and was going to turn you in to Ironwood. But she let you off with a warning and let you go instead. You both found eachother intriguing and swapped contact information.

Cinder found you like she found Emerald and Mercury. Except you were sold to Cinder because she wanted a plaything, but she never once raised a hand against you, she treated you like a friend, which made Emerald jealous.

You snuck into Ravens tribe camp to steal some herbal medicines for your mother. Some of the tribesman found you and started a fight. You beat up half of them but Raven stopped it when she heard the commotion. She offered a trade for the medicines, you stay and cater to Ravens every need, your mom gets the herbal medicines.

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