Chapter 11 - Salvage

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Connor and I got a call about another homicide, this time at a radio broadcast tower, some deviants broke in and broadcasted a speech but that's the extent of all that I know.

As we're in the elevator to reach the floor, Connor tosses around this coin that he has, for whatever reason the sound of it is pissing me off.

"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor" I grumble, I snatch it out of the air as he throws it up.

"Sorry, Lieutenant" he replies sounding like a child who just got their toy taken away, a small smile tugs at my lips but I try to suppress it.

We finally reach the floor and I take a step out, "Hi, Nat" Chris greets me, I look around and see a least two dozen cops standing around looking at stuff.

"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" I ask, Chris scoffs "Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in," he says and starts to walk down the hall so I follow him.

"Even the FBI wants a piece of the action" he adds, I roll my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh, those FBI pricks make me want to bash my skull in.

Once they get involved in an investigation they immediately take over and I'm forced to go on another case, well that's not happening with this one.

As much as I hated being assigned to this case, I have too much at stake to quit right now.

"Ah Christ, now we got the Feds on our back... I knew this was gonna be a shitty day" I grumble, "So what do we got?" I ask.

"A group of four androids... they knew the building, and they were very well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed" he says.

How the hell could a group of four androids sneak past this tight of security, we passed by at least six guards on our way in.

"They attacked two guards in the hallway, the guards probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance" he suggests.

"They got taken down before they could react," Chris says, "But the guards were left alive?" I ask, "Yep, them, and the guards in the broadcast room alive too" he responds, "Huh," I say.

"One of the station employees managed to get away, he's in shock, not sure when we'll be able to talk to him" Chris mentions.

"How many people were working here?" I ask.

Chris shrugs "Just two employees and three androids" he replies.

"The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live," he says.

"Someone had to have let the androids in," I say, Chris, nods and leads us into the broadcast room.

"Oh Lieutenant, this is special agent Perkins from the FBI" he introduces us.

"Lieutenant Parish is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police," Chris says.

I clench my jaw and nod at Perkins, he doesn't acknowledge me he just turns and looks at Connor, "What's that?" he asks.

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife" he replies monotony, he nods politely to special agent Perkins.

"Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around?" he asks me.

"After everything that happened?" he presses, I clench my fists and think about socking him right in his ugly face but I refrain.

"Connor's taken down other deviants and gotten us further in this case then your men ever possibly could, and what is it that you've done? Oh... that's right, lost two of your prisoners last week, how could I forget" I say with a slight smirk.

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