Chapter 9 - Tenderness

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I wake up later on to Connor slightly shaking me, "Natasha" he whispers in my ear.

I open my eyes slightly "What time is it?" I whisper, "It's 12:43 am, a homicide was reported 3 minutes ago," he says.

I sit up slightly and rub my eyes, "I think the pain relief worked, I'm sensing less pain in your cranial cavity" he responds.

"Yeah" I mutter, a wave of nausea hits me all of the sudden.

"But I'm sensing a bit of-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence before I run to the toilet.

"Nausea" I hear him say as I throw up my dinner.

I feel my hair being pulled away from my face and a hand rubbing soothingly on my back, once I'm done I pull away from the toilet and sigh.

"Here," Connor says quietly, he wipes away the vomit from my mouth, I stare into his eyes very confused.

For a machine, he sure is showing a lot of compassion, but I guess he's also doing this because he wants to complete his mission and he needs me for that.

His eyes trace over my body, "Everything looks fine, I think you'll just feel lightheaded, but your concussion should go away within a couple of days" he says, he hasn't stopped rubbing my back and I thank him for that.

"Taking a shower might make you feel better" he suggests, I nod and stand up with his help, "Can you bring me some clothes?" I ask.

"Of course, anything in specific you want to wear?" he asks, I shake my head "No, just something comfortable" I request, Connor nods and leaves to go back to my room.

I undress as I turn on the shower, Connor returns with my clothes and sets them down on the sink counter while I'm in the shower.

After I'm done with my shower I dress into the clothes he provided me with, a light sweater and jeans with holes in the knees and combat boots.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Connor cleaning up the mess I made when Liam attacked.

"Oh, Connor you don't have to do that," I say, he looks up at me and smiles "I want to help out since you're not feeling well," he says.

I don't even think he realized that he said the word want, according to him androids don't want anything.

"Sorry about the window, Natasha. I was afraid you had been attacked. Of course, Cyberlife will pay for the damages" he says and motions to my broken window.

"Yeah, trust me. I'll send 'em a bill" I say with a slight smile, it's kinda cute seeing him do housework, in a weird way I guess.

Mini trots over to him and he smiles, he leans down and pets Mini "You are a very good boy" he says to Mini, my heart skips a beat while watching him.

There's something so adorable about men and dogs, especially the smile on his face as he's petting Mini it's making my heart beat way too fast, Connor looks at me staring at him and he clears his throat before standing up.

This is obviously just the concussion, there's no way in hell I would ever find a... machine attractive.

"I guess it's time to go," he says very timidly.

"Alright, be a good dog Mini, I won't be long," I tell him and give his cute head a pet.

"Will you drive?" I ask Connor, he nods and catches my keys when I toss them to him "Of course" he says.

We walk to the car and he drives us to the Eden club, and I immediately hear the music pounding, it's already starting to hurt my head.

"God, it feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull" I groan "you sure this is the place?" I ask.

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