Chapter 1 - Beginning

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"Never be afraid to do the things that make you feel free."

I walk into the bar I usually go into every night and plop down at my usual seat, I come in to watch the basketball game with the boys who are always here.

"The usual?" the bartender Kevin asks me, I nod and lean against the counter.

He hands me two glasses of straight whiskey, I slowly slip one while I watch my team shoot another basket.

"What happened today, Lieutenant Parish?" Kevin asks, I shake my head and set down my cup.

"More homicides, same old same old, nothing ever fucking changes in Detroit," I say, "don't know why I signed up for this job since androids are probably gonna take it away from me" I grumble.

Kevin nods as he takes away my glass, "Ain't that the damn truth" he mutters as he turns around.

Kevin's bar is a no android bar, meaning no androids can come inside, most places run by old folks who weren't for the creation of androids don't allow androids to come in, most people are scared by androids.

I hate them, they're walking pieces of plastic that are going to steal our jobs, they offer us absolutely nothing other than doing our work for us, lord knows we don't need more lazy people in the world.

The door opens a couple of minutes later, I look up and see an android walking in, I roll my eyes and look back at my other cup, so much for a no android bar.

The android walks around the bar as if it's looking for something, but I continue to ignore it as I take another sip from my drink, hopefully, it'll just leave, it's making everyone uncomfortable.

The damn thing walks over and stands beside me, I still don't look up hoping that it'll leave me alone, I'm just trying to watch my game in peace, I really don't want to be bothered by this hunk of junk.

"Lieutenant Parish," it says, I sigh, obviously it won't leave me alone.

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife" I roll my eyes and down the rest of my drink.

"I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were, they said you were probably having a drink nearby," he informs me.

"I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar," he adds, I swear I can hear the tiniest bit of sarcasm behind his voice.

I scoff but continue to ignore him, hoping he'll eventually get the hint to leave me be.

"You were assigned a case early this evening, a homicide, involving a Cyberlife android."

I sigh and finally look at it, it has dark brown hair that matches its eyes and he wears the typical android outfit to be able to tell him apart from humans since these things look just like us.

"And?" I ask.

"In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators."

I scoff and turn away from him, "Well I don't need any assistance, 'specially not from a plastic asshole like you" I grumble and turn back to the bar.

"Tell Cyberlife I don't need any help, I've managed just fine by myself til now," I say.

"Lieutenant Parish, I must inform you that I intend to file a report on your behavior" the thing threatens which only makes me laugh.

"Oh yeah?" I chuckle, I turn back and look at him "they're used to it, nice try though."

He remains stone-faced like my stubbornness doesn't affect him like it would a human, guess these things can't feel.

"My instructions stipulate that I have to accompany you" he informs me.

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