Chapter 8 - Hero

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Connor left to go do something I don't remember what he said he needed to get so I put on a movie and just lay around until he comes back, a knock sounds at the door so I answer it thinking it's Connor.

I open it, regrettably, and I jump back when I see Liam standing at the door, "What are you doing here?" I ask, he walks past me and into my living room.

"You have some of my stuff and I want it back," he says, I close the door behind me and fold my arms over my chest.

"Okay well this isn't the proper way of doing that, you could just shoot me a text and tell me this," I say.

He rolls his eyes, "I don't care, just give me my stuff and we can get this done with" he says, "Whatever" I mumble.

Mini comes padding down the hall and when he sees Liam he immediately starts barking and refuses to walk up to him, "Mini, what's up little dude."

"I'm taking him with me, I bought him," he says.

"Hell no, you're not fucking taking MY dog, you haven't even fucking seen him in months!" I yell.

"You can take all of your other things, but Mini is my dog," I say.

Liam smirks and brushes me off, "Let me remind you who's boss here, it's me, and what I say goes," he says.

"No you're not, this is MY household, he's MY dog, and you're never going to dictate anything in my life ever again," I say, he slaps me across the face and I fall back.

I step up and punch him in the face, he staggers back and then looks at me, and he is angry.

He picks up a book and throws it at my head, it hits me and I fall on the ground.

I scamper away from him and make it to the kitchen and fall over one of the chairs, I look up and see him standing over me.

"You always have to start shit with me! Why can't you just be obedient, this is why no one fucking likes you, because you're so goddamn annoying!" he yells, I pull out the gun from the waistband of my jeans and aim it at his head.

He kicks the gun straight out of my hands, and leans over and starts choking me, "Get off!" I groan, his whole face turns red with rage and his eyes are filled with pure evil.

His legs are on top of my arms so I can't raise them to defend myself, I try and knee him but it doesn't work, I'm left in a situation where I literally can't do anything except watch as I slowly die.

I look at the window hoping that Connor will come and save me, but no one does, and I black out feeling scared and alone.


"Lieutenant? Natasha, hello can you hear me?" I hear someone ask, my eyes open slightly and I look up and see Connor staring down at me with pure concern in his eyes, his LED is flashing red letting me know that he's in distress.

"What's happening?" I whisper.

I'm unable to talk louder than a whisper because my head is pounding.

"I had to break in because I saw that you were unconscious on the floor, what happened?" he asks.

I look around and see that Liam is gone, "Where is Mini?" I ask softly, Connor looks back and points at Mini's dog bed and I look up and see him laying there.

I lay back down and stare into his eyes.

"You broke in through the window?" I mumble, "Yes I was worried about your safety" he replies.

His eyes scan my face and he frowns, "You have a slight concussion, and bruises on your neck, who did this?" he asks.

"Liam," I say with a nod, I see anger flash across his face.

"He broke in?" he almost yells, I shake my head no.

"He wanted to get some of his stuff and we got into an altercation, I think he was afraid that I was dead so he left" I mumble.

"I need to get you into the bed, that's the best place for you to recuperate," he says.

He scoops me up into his arms and carries me bridal style into my bedroom, my head accidentally whacks into his shoulder and I wince.

He stops walking and glances at me "I'm sorry, are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes, Connor I'm fine. Can you please just take me to my bed" I whine, he nods and akes me to the bedroom and then sets me down on my bed.

"I'll be back in just a minute," he says, I reach over and turn off the bedside lamp and snuggle into the covers.

Connor returns a minute later with Tylenol and a wet rag a minute later, he hands me the Tylenol and a glass of water, I take the pills as he rests the wet rag across my forehead.

I sigh and lay down in bed, "What do you need me to do, Natasha?" he asks, "Can you make sure the house is locked down? And make sure he's not hiding somewhere please" I mumble.

"Of course," he says.

I close my eyes and rest my head gently on the pillow, I fall asleep shortly after Connor leaves the room.

"I made sure everything was locked down and secure, anything else that I can do for you?" he asks.

"Can you please just come and lay with me?" I ask.

I surprise myself by asking that, I think I even surprised him, "A-Are you sure?" he stutters, sounding extremely human-like.

"Please" I whine, he nods and then climbs into bed next to me, I scoot over and rest my head on his chest, "I can rub your pressure points, would that be helpful?" Connor asks.

I nod so he immediately pressed my pressure points and then massages my temples.

I let out an involuntary moan and snuggle into him deeper, I know what you're thinking, I'm even surprised by what I'm doing.

But I think the reason why I desperately want affection is because of the rude words Liam used to describe me.

"Hey, Connor?" I ask quietly, "Yes, Natasha?" he responds quickly, this is probably the first time he's ever addressed me by my name and not lieutenant.

"Do you think I'm annoying?" I ask.

"No, I find you incredibly interesting, I enjoy everything that you say, why would you ask that?" he questions.

"It was something that Liam said," I say.

"He also said that no one liked me, which I know is true. No one at the station likes me, hell I push everyone I care about away, I'm unloveable" I start rambling.

Connor doesn't say anything he just continues to rub my temples as he listens.

"I'm sorry I know you don't care," I say.

"No, please, Natasha. Anything you want to get off your chest you can tell me, I want you to talk to me more, other than the spiteful words you use against me" he says.

I sit up and look at him, I rest a hand on his chest and stare into his eyes, "That's not fair of me to be so rude to you and I realize this, I'm sorry" I say.

"I just push people away because I'm afraid of what people are capable of, especially androids, and... that's not fair of me to do that to you when all you want is to get along" I say.

He smiles at me "I know that you have emotional trauma, but I know that you're a strong woman who can get through it, and I would like to offer you what I can" he says, I look between his eyes and only see sincerity.

"I-" I start to say but choke on my words, "Thank you" I mumble.

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