A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Fourteen

Start from the beginning

Walking through the door of the workshop, I make my way straight to August's office. I may have compromised the mission a little but I just hope we can figure something out.

I think I'll keep the artefact to myself, I decide, walking up the stairs and opening the door to August's office.

"Ahh, Clara. You're back." the purple and white haired male muses, placing his pen down and interlocking his fingers. "Where's Remy?"

Just as I'm about to answer but turn, said male walks into the room, sending me a suspicious glance as he closes the door.

"How did the mission go?" August inquires casually, though Remy doesn't answer straight away. He arches a brow slightly but turns to August, answering.

"It didn't go as smoothly as planned." He replies, slipping off his backpack and placing it on a chair all the while August raises a questioning eyebrow.

"The truck left earlier than we expected it to." I revel in the Ember's place, moving to a chair and sitting down. My brow slightly creases when the familiar weight bumps against me again. It's making me so bloody anxious!

"Well, what a drawback..." August mutters flatly before sighing, leans back into his chair and shrugging a shoulder. "So what did you find? I hope it's something useful or all of this would've been nought."

"That's what I'm saying..." Remy mumbles while shuffling in his bag, pulling of the lead and monitor he used before turning to me, flicking his hair out of his eyes in the process.

He and August stare at me expectantly and I sigh before reaching into the back pocket of my pants. Pulling out a brown folder, I dump it on August's desk and walk back to my seat as August enlarges the folder and opens it.

After a few moments of silence, August closes the folder and lays it on his desk. "Well..." he starts slowly before glancing at me unsurely.

He makes a little gesture with his hands before laying them on the folder. "We now know what the Authorities are up to." he chuckles nervously, scratching his cheek.

Remy walks over to the desk and lifts the folder, frowning at the contents before peering at me from over the top. "Isn't this the same city Ace entrusted you to do more research on?" he inquires, glancing back down at the folder.

"City?" August questions baffled.

I nod. "Ace entrusted me to do research on a city before he died. I couldn't find anything personally but it appears as if the Authorities knew quite a bit about it."

"And it seems they erased any and all information about it to prevent people from finding out." Remy adds distractedly, sighing and dumping the folder back on August's desk.

"OK..." August drawls, clearly confused. "So the Authorities got rid of any information connecting to the city you speak of," he shrugs before gesturing to Remy and I. "But what has that got to do with the both of you? Are your families tied with the city or something?"

Remy scoffs while rolling his eyes. "I doubt that..."

August quickly frowns at the fellow Ember before glancing at me and his frown becomes deeper with confusion when I shrug. He purses his lips in thought, glancing at the file.

"We're safe to assume that you both and the city are somehow connected," August suddenly affirms. "We just have to find out how and why."

"But where do we start?" I question with a sigh, sliding my eyes close. "The only person I can think of that has the answers to the questions we seek is the Dux and we can't confront him. Not yet anyway."

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