16. Little history lesson

Start from the beginning

Once everyone had calmed down and Snape thought about what potion he could use for a piece of Marauder, Remus came back to talking about marriage.
"Well, since we've cleared Severus's loyalty now, the problem with contract terms still remains. James has clearly stated that the applicant must have both a certain amount of assets and reputation in the wizarding world. And I'm so sorry, Severus, but both are not right for you. "
"Who says that?" Came Snape's dry back. On the questioning looks, he continued:
"As I said before, to be accepted by the Death Eaters, it took some preconditions. One of them was that both my grandfather and our valued director felt that a penniless potions master would be a much more persuasive candidate than a rich one. because of that, and because my mother married a drunk, I always went to school in torn clothes. But in reality, I do have assets. "
"What wealth are we talking about here? And who the hell was your grandfather you keep talking about? which family do you belong to, Snape? "
These - quite impatient and angry - questions came from Moody. The old Auror did not like being talked about, and they'd all done enough for his taste today. Now it was over.
"My mother was a born Prince and her grandmother was a rose. That should answer all your questions. "
And again you could have heard a feather fall. In addition, everyone was already trying on a carp Imitation. If this went on, they would all be finned, and by the end of the week, they would probably have to rename the Phoenix Order to Fish Order.
"Please what, Severus, you are the rose prince?"
For this designation, Snape would have liked to turn Arthur Weasley into a mannequin. how he hated that name! So Harry had to go with the standing boy-who-lives. Both Potions Master's eyebrows shot up, and he gave everyone a look-if-laugh-or-what-wrong-says-I'm-a-revenge look, before he continued.
"Even though I forbid this name, yes, I am the last descendant of the families Prince and Rose. ,which was another reason to hide my roots, because if the Dark Lord had found out who I really am, he would have done everything to gain the money and power of my family. so the only thing the Death Eaters found out about me was that my mother was a normal witch and my dad a muggle. "
"Okay, that would also fulfill the conditions for the contract and all we have to do is make sure you get married in time. Merlin, I am looking forward to the stupid face of the Minister when he finds out who you really are. As far as I know, the ministry has been trying to get hold of the Rose fortune since the end of the last war. "
Remus was right. Harry knew from his talks with Gripock that the previous and current ministers had been trying to pressure the goblins to come to the fortunes of both families as they were supposed to be extinct. However, gringotts has repeatedly stated that there is an heir, but they are not authorized to reveal their identity. Which had always led to wild threats and trials.

Once again, everyone was thinking, and as Fudge thought about the news, the mood cleared. After some time Tonks turned back to Snape:
"Say, if your mother was the last rose princess, why did her family allow her to marry a muggle?"
Snape looked at her in disbelief until he remembered that only a few families were familiar with the old ways and so he began to explain:
"For both clan families and many other pureblood families, it has always been common to marry one offspring to a Muggle or Muggle-born. In this way, incest was prevented and, in addition, the magical community was enlarged. by the way, this was an attempt to improve the understanding between Muggles and wizards. Also the families Black and Malfoy used to take care of this tradition. "
"Excuse me?" Sirius shot in his chair and stared at Snape.
"If that's really how you say, why do not I know about it?"
"Simply because the first pedigrees were not started until 200 years before Hogwarts was founded. and after Slytherin's delusion of a Muggle-free wizarding world, many families have changed their pedigrees to be considered pureblood. But the real reason why this, I think, beautiful custom has fallen into oblivion, was the secrecy agreement in the 15thcentury was passed. "
Now the Potions Master had everyone's attention, even the birds seemed to have their ears pierced or opened.
Harry looked at his teacher.
"What exactly, except the well-known, everything in this agreement?"
"The treaty not only regulated that muggles could not be conjured, it was also forbidden to marry them. Although muggleborn marriages were still allowed, all others were punished with deprivation of liberty. but also weddings with muggle-born people were subject to certain guidelines. The Muggleborn was either not allowed to have a family anymore, or they had to renounce their relatives, who then deleted the memory. That's the way to escape revenge and persecution.
it was not until the end of the 17th century that the law was repealed. "
"Does that mean that, ultimately, the Ministry is responsible for having so few children born in families?"
"That's the way it is, Mrweasley, and to cover that up, the then minister passed another law allowing relatives to marry their children without their consent. "
"Great, first take care of our extermination and then thatjust because these eggheads are unable to admit mistakes, children like Harry have to pay for the egoism of their parents. "
Sirius was literally foaming with rage. He had already learned for himself how irresponsible these politicians worked, but even he would not have expected such a thing. but one thing interested him:
"Say, Snape, if all this has been forgotten by the secrecy agreement, why do you know so much about it?"
"Because my family held on to this custom, only that now we were only allowed to marry Muggle-borns. and before you ask, no, nobody was forced. My ancestors had a great aversion to marriage, something that was never up for debate.
Plus, the Rose Estate library is full of books on old customs and stories.
your family probably had such books as well and they were simply destroyed like the first family trees.
One also explains why Squibs exist in pureblood families and sorcerers in Muggle families. This is simply because in former times sometime in every family a wizard and a muggle married. These genes then sometimes get this way. "

Harry was fascinated by this story. it was just wonderful for him to imagine that there was a time when it did not matter if you had magical powers or not. It was ironic that the Ministry, which was there to protect the magicians, was responsible for their disappearance. After all, it was already an exception when a family had more than one or two children. The Weasleys were regarded as a phenomenon as far as the blessing of children was concerned.
Luna got him out of his thoughts again.
"My family was originally Muggles as well. however, that has been so long ago that we no longer know which magical family we've joined. "
Again followed by astonished looks and a silence that was already awesome.

After ten minutes of quiet conversation, McGonagall spoke up.
"Good that all that is clear. Albus, what do you think, should we prepare everything for the wedding? "
Dumbledore looked thoughtfully at his deputy for a long time before addressing Harry:
"Harry, my boy, can I talk to you alone?"
Both Sirius and Snape were not very enthusiastic about the Director's request and they also loudly shared it with him. As much as the boy was pleased that the two cocks were united, he interrupted the nagging after all:
"Alright, you two, I'm just next door. In the meantime, you could bury your hatchet. "
Harry stood with Fawkes and Hedwig on his shoulders (for the two of them did not even think to leave their protégé alone), and followed the director.
Snape and Sirius watched the green-eyed and did not really know what they liked less. The fact that they did not know what Dumbledore wanted him to do, or the kid's desire to get along.
Perplex they looked at each other before it came from both at the same time:
"Definitely the latter."

Next Chapter: 09.02.2019

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