4. Rescue

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Spencer's POV

I feel like I'm drowning. I scream even though I know no ones coming. I hear yelling but that doesn't stop everything from starting to fade. Then there is only darkness. And I don't fight it.

Toby's POV

It's like a maze down here. Endless winding corridors filled with the cries for help of innocent victims. I keep on thinking about what it would be like down here: cold, scared, alone and in pain. And that's when I hear it. That blood-curdling scream. There's another girl down here. The next few minutes are a blur. I can hardly comprehend what's going on when I snap back into reality. There's a man, he's just standing there, smiling at something in his arms. He's holding a girl. A blood-covered girl. And I don't think she's breathing. The man suddenly drops her on the floor laughing. Sick freak. Lorenzo swiftly handcuffs him and leaves the room. 

I've already started CPR on the girl. She's completely saturated I her own blood and has what looks like drill marks in each of her shoulders, which explains the bloody drill in the corner. It looks excruciating. She's so small she must be 15, maybe 16? Her eyes keep fluttering: opening and closing. At least that means she's still alive. We lock eyes for only a split second, but in that time, I can already tell she's been broken by these people. Some people enjoy others suffering, like these people clearly do. But I can't understand why.

"The ambulance is nearly here." Tanner says.

I don't respond. I'm too busy trying to keep this girl alive.

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