Zayn and Liam sits down beside Simon, Niall takes the armchair and Louis and I plop down on the floor, since there's no more room for us any other place.

After a couple of minutes of no one saying anything, Liam speaks up.

"So, what's up?" You can clearly hear the discomfort and awkwardness in his voice.

"I know I've said I want to talk to all of you, but this is mostly regarding Louis and Harry." He speaks formally, like we are on tv or something.

Louis and I share a glance, both looking nervous. I have a pretty solid feeling about what this conversation is regarding, and how it is going to go. And let me remind you, we are both still in boxers. Only boxers.

He continues after a while of silence. "Louis and Harry, you told me clearly over the phone that this was going to end, but-"

"No we didn't, we told that we wouldn't do anything in public, and we have kept that promise." Louis says in our defense.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what happened," He chuckles, like Louis just made that up, but I know for a fact that he did not. How can he just lie about that? He probably just doesn't want his crew to find out. I'm definitely not too fond of him right now, that's for sure.

"but as I was saying, you two promised that you would stop your relationship, but as my concerns were just proved, by yourself, you did not follow up on that promise."

He continues, and I'm having a mixture of feelings right now. I'm so angry at him, but I am just as sad and nervous for what is going to happen now. He probably thinks of this as some passing phase we just have to get through. Like this is just a summer love romance. I don't know how to prove to him that it is not.

"So? What are you going to do?" Louis says, the sassiness starting to show up in his voice.

"I'm afraid you can't continue in the band, while being romantically connected."

"So either they are thrown out of the band, or they have to break up and just stop being in love? You can't do that." Liam defends.

"We don't want that." Zayn says right afterwards.

"We don't have a problem that they are a couple at all, so why is it so big of a problem for you?" Niall speaks up as well.

I'm so grateful for my friends right now. How they are sticking up for us, and having no problem with how we want to live our lives. Simon however, I'm not too glad with right now.

"It's for the fans. They don't want for you to be in relationships and especially not inside of the group."

"Then why do so many fans ship Larry? It's like the biggest ship in the world." Niall says, and I smile at him. He is partly right. Maybe not the biggest, but we are shipped by a lot of people.

"I'm sure that's not how it is. The fans wouldn't want for you two to be together." He argues.

I look down at the ground. This is so unfair. He can't just put up a dilemma like that.

Leave your band, and thereby your three best friends, or cut off your feelings, and let go of the love of your life.

After a long silence Simon stands up, the three other people who I had forgotten about, following suit.

"It's up to you guys, but it would be really stupid to leave the band, so there is really only one solution isn't there?"

And with that he walks out of the bus with his crew, leaving the five of us in silence.

I bite down hard on my bottom lip feeling tears start to prickle behind my eyelid as I close my eyes tight.

"He can't just do that." I whisper, but I know that they all hear me.

Louis crawls over to me and embrace me tightly in a hug. I open my eyes and see him feeling the same way as me.

Before I know it, Niall, Zayn and Liam have joined the sad party and we all hug each other in a big sad bear hug.

"What are we gonna do?" Liam says as we pull apart.

We all shrug, and stay silent, until suddenly Niall smirks widely and I frown at him. He speaks up making us all look confused at him.

"I have an idea."


W-count: 1,4k

This is kinda short, but I wanted to make a cliffhanger thingy sooooo....

Chapter 20 ayyyyyee.

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