"I didn't say anything to him yet. But his argument is strong, whatever he said about my relationship is right. We don't spend as much time together as we used to. He's got other priorities and clearly... I'm not one of them."

In that moment Robyn looked up, directly into clear, blue eyes. Ray was leaning against a tree outside, arms crossed and staring at her with a grim expression on his face. Her heart skipped a beat. What if he heard her? Perhaps he needs to hear it, she thought.

"I don't feel like I matter to him as much as certain other things and people in his life. Maybe I'm just someone he wants to have by his side because—" Robyn stopped herself. She wished Kate knew the truth about him so that she could share everything openly.


"I don't know? Because he wants to have a girl by his side?" Robyn attempted lamely, looking back at Ray. He had uncrossed his arms. Whereas before he seemed angry, now his expression was hurtful.

"You know, he can have anyone he likes," Kate said, "and he's still only with you. You need to talk to him, Robyn. Your worries won't just disappear without talking it out with him. There's no point avoiding him like this."

After a long moment of contemplation, Robyn sighed and said, "you're right." She got off her stool and hugged Kate, "thanks for being my friend."

Kate laughed and said, "thanks for putting up with me."

Robyn dreaded going to Biology

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Robyn dreaded going to Biology. She figured if she took her time getting to the class, everyone would have already chosen their seats. And Ray being himself would have no empty seats around him. She could go to the back of the class and survive the hour without talking to him. She trudged down the corridor and paused by the classroom door for a second before mustering the courage to enter.

Immediately, she was swallowed up in the noise and movement of the classroom. No one noticed her slip in and bee line for the back of the room where two seats were empty. Robyn wanted to look around to see how far Ray was from her, but she didn't.


Suddenly Ray appeared in front of her and took her by the hand. He led her to the back, pulling a chair out for her. Hesitantly, Robyn sat down and Ray followed. A couple students had turned to witness their exchange. Among them was Rick, who was sitting right at the front, at the same spot they shared yesterday. His brows pulled together, then he turned to face the board again.

Something weighed down on Robyn's shoulder. She hadn't spoken to Rick since yesterday, either.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

Robyn turned away from him.

"Look at me," Ray spoke softly, so only she could hear. Robyn didn't listen.

Just then, Chrissy entered the classroom. The noise fell significantly. She watched as Chrissy scanned the room, her eyes lingering longer on Ray. Robyn fought against the urge to roll her eyes. Now that she was a teacher at her school, it was impossible for her to try a move on Ray, surely. Robyn glared at her when their eyes met.

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