Chapter 36: The Catacombs

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Once Vlad was a little better from our match, we soon began our plan to deal with the vampires.

It was already nighttime, so I just got down to business quickly and explained the plan.

The plan was to infiltrate the vampires' base, destroy it and the remaining vampires. We weren't going to do this at night though, I was actually planning to take a look inside their base first.

At first, I didn't know where the entrance was. That is until I used a Shadow Minion to spy on Bell.

Knowing that she was some kind of powerful vampire meant that she knew her way around the place. So, I got the information I needed about where the entrance was.

I also decided to see what was down there with the shadow minion. It turns out that the vampire base was a catacomb.

They were underground cemeteries with a bunch of tombs, and the vampires were using it as a resting place. Well, since they're undead monsters, I can see that happening.

I didn't let my shadow minion going any further in the catacombs, so I told it to retreat. I got all the information I needed, and I didn't want to risk getting caught either.

Since I know the location of the entrance of the underground base, all I needed to do now was figure out a plan. During the night, all of the vampires come above ground to play around, that means their base in unguarded.

I'm sure there are traps and other stuff that keep intruders out, but I can deal with them easily. What I plan to do is scout out the catacombs while the vampires were busy, and set up a few traps.

Once the sun shows up, the vampires will go back underground, and I'll then set my trap on them. After the vampires are dealt with, I'll deal with any survivors.

The only problem I have now is the vampires in the town. Before, they usually just mingle around with the humans, but they weren't doing that at the moment.

In fact, it looks like they were on a big search party. I noticed a couple vampires looking around the Inn, so I made sure to stay hidden.

This does pose a problem, though. With these blood-suckers looking around, I'll have to be extra careful not to get spotted.

They might even be guarding the catacombs, so that'll be a problem as well if they are.

What the hell were they looking for anyway? It must've been pretty important if all of them were putting in some effort in the search.

Well, it doesn't matter at the moment. As long as I stick with my original plan, I shouldn't have to worry about it.

Still, it's a little concerning that these guys were searching so vigorously. I hope things go the way they should.

With that out of the way, I quickly explained the plan to Vlad and Amy. Once they got the gist of it, we soon left the inn and started our mission.

We were heading towards the entrance to the catacombs, which was at the food market place. After we confirmed that no one was inside, Vlad and I quickly snuck in.

I told Amy and Raven to keep watch of any vampires coming in and to warn us.

Vlad and I then went into the food market and went into the back of it. There was a hatch on the floor that led underground.

We opened it up and went down. We were now seeing nothing but stone walls and skeletons in their resting places.

Some of their heads were even on the floor. It was pretty disturbing to look at, but not for me.

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