Chapter 27

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For Readers from the Original book, I combined chapters 29 & 30 to make this chapter longer. 

... I wake up to the baby moving around and kicking inside my stomach, I shake Taz awake so he could feel and a huge smile come on his face, in his eyes, I could see happiness. "Taz, what were you thinking about baby names?" I ask looking over at him. He sits up and looks back over at me, "What about Pheobe?" he asks. "Quit being silly," I reply smiling. "Um.. what about Rylie?" he asks furrowing his eyebrows. "I actually like it, it's classy and sweet, her middle name could be Love," I say with excitement. "Making her name be, Rylie Love Jinx," replies Taz before kissing me. 

... I hear the alarm go off before Taz reaches over and shuts it off, I get out of bed and slide on my slippers before heading to the kids' room to wake them up. To my surprise Kyle was already up and brushing his teeth, he confessed that he set an alarm a few minutes earlier so he can practice. I then head back to the room and get dressed into a pair of grey sweatpants that say pink on the left leg and my red hoodie that is no longer too big on me because of my baby bump. I then slide my slippers back on and grab my hairbrush before brushing out my thick waves. I pull my hair into a side braid before going downstairs to make breakfast. 

... I make bacon, corn beef hash, and sunny side up eggs for all of us before setting it out on the table and pouring some food and water down for Jack. Jack hears the food hitting the bowl and gets down from the couch to get some, I then turn to the counter and make a pot of coffee for Taz. I hear Kyle and Sarah come down the stairs as I open the door for Jack to go outside. They sit down at the table as Taz comes down the stairs behind them. I pour him a cup of fresh coffee and hand it to him, he takes it from my hand and kisses my cheek, "Thank you." "Your welcome, babe," I reply before sitting down at the table to eat. 

... After breakfast Taz has Max pick the kids up for school and gets to stay home with me since he finished all of his alpha duties yesterday. I smile and head into the kitchen to get my chocolate bark before munching on a few pieces. We find our way to the living room and sit down to watch a movie, 'The Pacifier', Taz lets me cuddle into him and rubs circles into my arm. I take a sip of my green tea before feeling the baby kick some more. <She must like green tea.> "More like love." 'It's usual for my family Shawn said that mom used to crave it when she was pregnant with me.' 

... When the movie was over I shut the tv off and headed to the bathroom to pee. I then head into my room and grab the book, 'Shifter's Choice', before heading back downstairs to Taz in order to read it. I read a few chapters as Taz plays with my hair and checks his phone. Jack pads up to me and rubs his face into my leg, I pet his back as he rubs his body against the couch. I noticed that his coat had some speckles of grey in it. 

... The next few hours go by in a flash and it is time to pick up the kids, Taz decided that he would go pick them up so I decided to order some ice cream as a surprise for dessert. I ordered all of our favorites, I got Sarah mint chocolate chip, Kyle banana split, Taz cherry swirl, and me a chocolate vanilla twist with sprinkles. They came in cups so I just placed them in the freezer until after dinner. Taz made spaghetti and garlic bread with a side salad for dinner then I surprised them all with the ice cream. 

... After eating the delicious ice cream the kids wash their hands and faces before going to play in the park out back. I send Jack out there with them to keep an eye out and head upstairs for my phone charger. I place my phone on the charger before watching the new movie 'BirdBox' with Taz and the kids after they came back in. Once the movie was over the kids headed upstairs to their rooms and so did we. 

... I move the covers before getting into bed and covering myself with the comforter. Taz came back into the room from going to use the bathroom and lies down beside me. He wraps his hand around my waist and I turn around towards him and place my head on his chest hearing our hearts beat in unison. Soon after Taz starts playing with my hair my heavy eyes fall. 

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