Chapter 3

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... I wake up to something patting at my face with furry paws. I open my eyes and look at the blurry figure with my eyes still adjusting to the light. Once they are focused, I realize it is Jack. I sit up and pet him on his head as he purs for a response. I push him off the bed with a loud thud and a playful growl. I look down at him to see him lying on his back with his paws swinging in the air and a smile on his furry face. He jumps up and back on the bed before licking my face with his prickly tongue. I hear my alarm finally go off before hitting the button to turn it off. 

... I pat his head before getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair before heading back to my room. I pull my hair into a side braid and continue on into the closet. I grab a pair of black yoga pants, a t-shirt, and my blue hoodie before quickly getting dressed in them accordingly. I slide on my Ugg boots for shoes and continue out of the closet. I grab my bookbag and phone before heading downstairs with Jack following behind me. 

... I decide to make breakfast for us so I pull out the sausage, eggs, and toast. Before starting to cook it I place raw meat into Jack's food bowl and water into his water bowl. With my birthday being tomorrow I feel a spark of excitement as I finish cooking the food. Shawn comes down the stairs with a big smile on his face and his brown eyes filled with excitement. "You beat me to it!!" he says walking into the kitchen. "What do you mean, 'You beat me to it'?" I ask in doing the best impression of his as I could. 

... "I was going to make breakfast for you," he says crossing his arms. "Awe," I say as a reply before running up to him and pinching his cheeks. "Ooooowwwww," he says before trying to grab me. I run away quickly with a little more speed than him. I hide in the closet and cover my mouth with the sleeves to my hoodie. As he runs past the closet door he calls, "Come out, come out where ever you are!" He slams the door open and starts to tickle me on my sides. "Hahahahah... Jack, help me he's tickling me!!" I yell trying to hold off the laughter. Jack comes running into the room and tackles Shawn to the ground with a playful snarl and kisses. 

... As Shawn starts to laugh as do I before Shawn pushes Jack off of him and we all start to calm down. "Alright, let's go eat some food," I say with a smile. I separate the food between our plates as Jack eats his food from his bowl. "So what are you doing for your birthday?" Shawn asks with his mouth full. "I'm probably gonna end up hanging out with you and Jack again," I reply with disgust laced in my voice. "We can throw a party if you like," he says swallowing his food. "Do you even know me?" I ask with a look of surprise. He just laughs before driving me to school, "Alright, see you after your torture," he says smiling. "Goodbye, Shawn," I say before turning around and heading into the school. 

&&End of School Day&&

... I call Shawn on my way to my locker and told him that school was over. He told me he was on his way and to meet him at the willow tree in front of the school. I grab my the things I need for the little bit of homework I have without any trouble getting the locker door open. I walk through the halls before leaving out the front door and leaning on the willow tree. I see his car pull in and walk up to the curb waiting. We greet each other before he heads back off towards the house. 

... When we got home he cooks chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn for dinner. We eat and talk about the day and how my birthday will be tomorrow. "Who do you think your mate is going to be?" he asks with a small smile. "I'm not sure but I hope not anyone mean," I reply taking a bite of the mashed potatoes. "Whoever your mate is will love you uncontrollably, you hear me?" he says. "I hear you, I hear you," I reply with a nod. "If he or she hurts you, you just let me know and I will break them, you got it?" he says. "I got it but, you can' t them too bad, they will still be my mate," I say as I finish off the rest of my plate. "Ok, well, go get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow," he says before pushing me out of the kitchen. 

... I walk upstairs and into the bathroom to brush my teeth before going to get dressed for the night. Jack comes up the stairs as I walk into my room with a purr. I pat his head as he comes in behind me before heading for the closet. I take off the hoodie and place it in its spot on the rack before sliding my boots off. I walk out of the closet and take my braid out before putting in my favorite movie, Ice Princess. Jack jumps on the bed with a small leap before settling at the end. I pull out and do the little bit of homework I have during the movie. After the movie is done I turn the tv off and check my social media before placing my phone on the charger. I turn off the light and cuddle with Jack until my eyes finally droop, falling into a deep sleep. 

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Bye my Pack!!!


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