Chapter 25

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###4 Months Later###

... I wake up from my alarm and look over to see it is six in the morning, I sit up with my baby bump showing through my shirt. I stand up a little unbalanced before heading to the other side of the bed, I shake Taz awake so he can get ready before he gets off of the bed. "You, sit I will get your clothes," he says before heading into my closet. I sit down and sigh as I wait for him to come back. He comes back with a pair of my black leggings, one of his red t-shirts, and a pair of my white sneakers. I shake my head before heading into my closet for socks, I come back before getting dressed, him helping me with my shoes. I pull my red beanie on my head and my black winter coat before Taz mind links his Beta, John Fae, to come watch the kids. 

... I head down the stairs with Taz getting himself ready, I sniff the air to smell coffee brewing in the kitchen, he must have started that before we went to bed. I pour me a cup and add my sugar and creamer before stirring it. I sit down at the table before hearing Taz coming down the stairs, I look back at him to see he was wearing dark jeans, a plaid shirt, his black leather jacket, and his black Timberlands. I hear a knock on the door and Taz goes to answer it, soon in comes Beta John and his top two men. 


 "Thanks, John," I say looking over at him

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... "Thanks, John," I say looking over at him. "Of course, Luna Macy," he replies bowing his head a little. Jack pads up to him and sniffs his leg, "What in the hell?" he asks being careful not to move. "You'll be fine, this is Jack, my childhood pet. He is extremely protective, with that being said, he keeps an eye on the kids also," I explain to the both of them. "What? How?" asks Taz. "I can talk to him and he really does love these kids, he is very protective of them and will hurt anyone who tries to harm them," I reply. "How can you talk to him?" asks John. "It's one of the powers I gained from becoming the Butterfly Queen," I explain. "Oh, ok," he replies with a nod. 

... "Well, off we go," I say before heading out the door. Taz talks to John and his men before following behind me. I get into the passenger seat after Taz opens the door for me. I buckle my seatbelt over my baby bump as Taz hops into the driver seat. We head off towards the pack's medical district, as we pull in the pack doctor is waiting by the door. He leads us through the district and into an empty room before pulling out the ultrasound equipment. I take off my coat and Taz takes it from me, I sit on the bed before lifting my shirt just over my baby bump. The doctor squirts the cold blue gel onto my stomach, before grabbing the wand from its holder. 

... He moves the wand around on my belly and you could see the shape of my baby sitting in my uterus. "How's my baby, doctor?" I ask looking up at him. "It's very healthy, now let's check the gender," he says moving the wand around while looking at the screen, "Congratulations, it's a girl." I look over to Taz to see his eyes full of excitement, "Thank you, doctor," I say as he leaves the room with a head nod. Taz leans in and kisses me passionately before I wipe off the gel and cover my belly with my shirt. He helps me out of the bed and we head back to the car. 

... We walk into the house to see Sarah and Jack cuddling on the couch as one of the guards and Kyle plays a racing game on the TV. Taz looks over to John and the other guard as they come in from the kitchen. I look over to see John munching on my chocolate bark, Taz follows my line of sight before saying, "John, you might want to hand those over to her," he said looking up at him. He looks at me and nods before handing me the bag, I reply with a wolfy smile and head off towards the kitchen to cook some breakfast for everyone. I munch on the chocolate bark as I pour everyone a glass of orange juice. 

... I place the plates full of organized food onto the table before calling them in to eat. "Kyle, before you eat could you pour down some food for Jack please?" I ask looking at him. "Sure thing, mom," he replies before grabbing the Panther kibble that we got from the wildlife store. We all eat our food and everyone thanks me for the meal, making me feel appreciated. After breakfast, John and the boys had to leave to do some Pack work, so I decided to spend my day with the kids at the festival that came into town last week. 

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Who likes the Beta? The Gender?

Bye my Pack!!!


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