Chapter 6

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Macy's Wolf/Blaire^^^

*A Few Hours Later*

... I hear a knock on the door, "Come in," I say. In comes Shawn, "Hey, you alright?" I shake my head no, he sits on the bed next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "What's the matter?" he asks with concern laced in his voice. "I don't want to talk about it right now," I say shaking my head. "Are you hungry? I just finished cooking dinner," he says with a suppressed look. I nod and he leads me down to the kitchen with Jack following behind us. As he gets the food I sit at the table. He brings out two plates of food and places them on the table with a small smile. 

... The smell of the wonderful dinner made my mouth water, steak, green beans, and macaroni with cheese. I take the fork and knife he handed me and start to eat the steak. "So, what happened?" he asks with food ready for him to eat on his fork. "My mate rejected me," I say with a pang in my heart. "Who is he? I'm am going to kick his slimy ass!" he says ripping a piece of steak and shoving it into his mouth out of anger. "It's ok, I accepted it, he is a jerk anyhow," I reply with a tear trickling down my face. He uses his greasy thumb to wipe it away, which just makes me mad. "You got grease all over my face!!" I say wiping it off with a napkin. 

... My body starts to ache with a pain I have never felt before and it's everywhere. I can feel my bones relocating and prickles piercing through my skin. I fall from the chair with a thud as my body hits the wooden floor. I feel something come from my back and extend out with a wince of pain. As the pain started to fade away I felt something appear on my face and decide to open my eyes, I see pure white paws. I stumble to the mirror on the wall to see a beautiful white wolf with purple gemmed wings and a gemmed mask upon my face. My eyes bright blue with specks of gold flittering through them. 

... I try to move my shoulder blades but in the process, the wings start to flutter as well and I am lifted from the floor. My eyes widen in excitement and I look over at Shawn who is also in a surprised state. I stop the fluttering and I land on the floor gracefully, 'Now can I know your name?' "My name is Blaire." <And my name is Kora.> 'Who's that?' <I'm the butterfly Princess in you, I will be in your head the same way Blaire is.> 

... "That makes sense." 'Can you also take control of me?' <Of Course, we also have some hidden powers, but we have to find them in order to use them.> 'What do you mean 'find' them?' <Our powers are connected to our emotions until we learn to control them.> 'I guess that makes sense. But how do I change back?' "Just think about your human body." 'Ok, thanks.' "No problem." 

... I think about my human form and my bones start to relocate once again until I am in my human form. Once he sees me reforming, Shawn throws a blanket over me and I pull it over my shoulders. "Thanks," I say looking up at him. He nods and steps back as I stand up, "So what is with your wolf?" I tell him the story from the park and all that, with a nod he seemed to be absorbing it all in. "I'm gonna go get dressed then come back down to finish dinner," I said before running up the stairs. 

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Who likes her wolf? Kora?

Bye my Pack!!!


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