File 29: Relieving a fear

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| Third Person POV |

Willow felt like someone was watching her but there was nobody within a mile radius. She shrugged it off and ignored it. She stood up and left to train. She reached Chaos's castle training arena. It was more advanced than the camp's so it was a better exercise.

"Sally, turn the stimulation to the highest," she told the AI.

"Alright Miss Jackson. Anything else?" Willow shook her head then realized that the AI could not see her. "That would be all," the stimulation started. A world materialized in front of her. Assassins started appearing at all sides.

She stretched out her hand and a sword started forming. It looked like it was made from thin air. She held it up in a ready and attacking position.

They started running towards her but she didn't hesitate to disarm and kill them. She hacked and slashed. Dodging when they started swinging and stabbing her. One after another, they started falling.

There was one standing left. A shapeshifter.

It morphed into the one person she was trying so hard not to think about. He stood there in all his glory. Willow growled. They readied their position. "It's been a long time," he even had the same voice. Willow and the shapeshifter stalked each other around the arena.

"Not long enough," she snarled and attacked him. Both of them were a blur of red and white. They were fast enough to render time. They hacked, slashed, stabbed and lunged at each other in sync.

Until finally, the makeshift made a mistake. Willow faked stabbing him to the side but quickly changed to the right. Her sword went through his abdomen. "Order will never let his sides unguarded," she took out the sword and the makeshift faded back to the system.

"Willow Jackson, first trainee to finish the highest difficulty," Sally, the AI said. Willow stood back up and her sword faded from her hand. She rubbed her hands over her face and felt wet stains on her face.

She quickly wiped it off and took in a deep breath to calm her beating heart.

"That was impressive," she chuckled and smiled at nothing.

"Are you suppose to be here Di Angelo," The Son of Hades shrugged and leaned against the door. "Percy said that they were having a meeting or something," he said and pointed to the back. Willow sighed and nodded her head.

She tied her hair into a high ponytail. They walked out of the training room together in comfortable silence for a while. "Do you ever get lonely? When you were out in the world I mean," Nico asked out of the blue.

Willow didn't know how to respond. She took some time to think about it. "Sometimes I guess," she said as her mind wandered off.

"I never had anybody to confide my feeling to or anyone to care for me. So I learned to survive by myself," she said. Nico nodded his head.

"This leather jacket was, is, my protection of sort," she told him. She was wearing a dirty red coloured leather jacket. Now that she said it, Nico had seen her wear it every day.

No matter what she was wearing, it would always be on her. When he looked at her, she had a haunted look on her face. She always had a guarded expression too. Like how the older Greek campers had too but hers was more guarded.

He nodded his head. "You like Solace don't you," she told him suddenly. He got caught off guard. "W-What do y-you mean?" He stammered. She chuckled and turn to him.

"You can't lie to me you know," he blushed and sighed.

"It's not like he notices me anyways," they were suppose to be at the council hall but ended up to the highest tower in the castle. It towered over camp and everyone could be spotted from above.

King of Zacron [Percy Jackson Fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz