File 4: Setting it all up

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Me and my Best Friend can communicate just with face expression. <——— this is me and my friend


| Thomas POV |
I made it to the Chaos' house with Vi and Andy's help. I waited there pretending to have already reached there a few hours ago. "No fair!" I turned to look at Peter pouting. I laughed. "Come on you big lazy lump, your still going inside," I told him. Soon everyone arrived. At the front of the door was a door. There wasn't any lock but I could tell that it was locked. I placed my hands on the door and could feel everything in place. It's incredible.


The door opened. We walked inside and it was amazing. "Woah," everyone was in awe too. The ceiling of the house was a whole universe. They even move! "It's incredible," Vi said. We continued on further into the house and passed by the living area, bedrooms, training area and finally, a room that looked exactly like the one in the palace where I first met everyone. "It's like a war planning room," Peter said. "We'll call it the war room then," I told him. He beamed at me.

I went to the center and there was a big red button. I pressed on it and it showed the whole entire galaxy. "Woah, what's that?" Andrew asked and everyone wanted to know too. "It looks like some kind of map. It shows you exactly where everything is. Look," I pointed to planet Zacron. I moved my hand over the red button and it zoomed into the city, Zacron. It was like a drone. But much clearer. I moved it into the chaos room. Everyone was there. "That's so cool!" Vi exclaimed. "Yeah it is," Just then, a monitor popped onto the table. I quickly typed Earth and pressed enter. It didn't show anything.

"How am I suppose to find Earth when I can't even get it to appear?" As soon as I said that, Earth appeared. "Oh," they laughed at my embarrassment while I blushed. I zoomed into Earth and found Manhattan. "Show me Olympian Throne room,"

Meanwhile on Earth...
The olympians summoned every demigod. "Demigods, you are here today because there has been rumours about Percy Jackson," the king of the gods said. There were a lot of shouts and protest. All saying bad things about the twice hero saviour of Olympus. "Silence!" He thundered. Everyone quiet down. "I want to hear about this," the Daughter of Athena and the Son of Hecate stood out.

"Milord and ladies, Percy Jackson is a traitor. He destroyed all our belongings and blamed it on Zayne. He even tried to attack Zayne because he was jealous," Annaebth said while holding his hand. The campers all voiced their agreements. Athena glared at her Daughter.

"Lies," Hestia, Athena and Aphrodite said. Everyone turned to face them. "He didn't do any of those things. Zayne framed him," Hestia said. "He went on a year Long quest to get my blessing to marry you Annabeth," Athena spat her daughter's name shocking everyone. "His love for you was the strongest thing in the world. No one or anything could break it. But you. You just had to break it. I HATE YOU BOTH!" Aphrodite screamed the last part and lunged at the two of them.

But Hestia and Athena held her back. "They are not worth your time," Hestia calmed her down. The goddess of love was wearing a tight black cat suit. It looked like an assassian's clothing. She ripped her arms from the both of them before walking back to her throne. Every god that sat beside her shrink away from her aura.

"What do you mean Miladies?" Annabeth asked still shaken by what Aphrodite almost did to her. "Percy did no such thing. He's a loyal person. For gods sake, he's fatal flaw is loyalty. You are all the stupidest bunch of demigods I ever met. Now I wish Gaia or Kronos had killed you all. He could have been spared all the heartbreak," Aphrodite exclaimed glaring at each and everyone of them.

"Do you know where he is now?" Everyone turned their heads to the person who said it. Lucy. She and two others were standing aside. Drew and Grover. "Oh my dears, I'm sorry I can't. I don't know where he is," she hugged them each. Lucy looked like she was about to cry. Drew calmed her down. "Hey it's alright. We'll going to find Percy even if it is the last thing we do," she kissed her head. Shocking everybody. Aphrodite was beaming at her Daughter. "I'll help too," Grover said.

King of Zacron [Percy Jackson Fanfic]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя