File 2: Abducted and little Elly

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Good friends are like stars , you can't always see them but you know there're there - Unknown


1 year later...

| Percy POV |

"We eat you little demigod," the cyclops exclaimed. I did the most natural thing. I ran. You might be wondering why I'm running from cyclops. Shouldn't I be in camp? Let's recap. I got cheated by my fiancée. Everyone hated me. So I left camp.

I turned around and a dozen of them were standing there. "Never in a thousand years," I replied. I used the last resort. I closed my eyes and felt my body changing. I turned into 30 feet dragon. Dark silver scales and majestic dark silver wings adorned with sea green and orange flame outlines that contrast together.

I looked down at the cyclops and saw that they were cowering in fear. Scared now? I smirked at them. They nodded their heads and I killed them with fire. Here's the interesting part, my fire wasn't like any normal fire. It was Greek Fire. The cyclops all instantly turned to golden ashes. I transformed back to myself and felt exhausted. That's the downside. I get worn out from turning into a dragon. "Ugh, that was tiring," I muttered. Just then there was a flash behind me. I turned around prepared to fight.

I know I know.

I don't have any strength anymore but I ain't going with the gods any longer. I follow no one. But this person felt different. I was too tired to think. "I am not going back to Olympus whoever you are," I told him? Or is it a her? Ugh whatever. My vision was already filled with black spots. The person laughed. Okay, so it's a He. "My dear boy, I do not come from Olympus," he said.

"That's what they all say," I replied. Shit. I feel really dizzy. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded my head and leaned onto a nearby tree. He started walking towards me and I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I was already exhausted so I didn't have enough energy. I could hear more footsteps. More than one person. What the heck. How many people did the dam dude bring? I didn't check I just kept running. I hid behind a big rock. I panted and bent down to catch my breath. I think I lost them.

"He's behind there." oh shit. I took off running again. Just then someone appeared in front of me. "Who the hell are you? No more games!" I shouted at them. There were now 5 of them. I'm not going down without a fight. I turned the rings I was wearing. It turned into a 9 inch dagger each. Peleus had given me them too. Both had his dragon symbol on it.

They attacked first but I dodged. He must have felt surprised because he froze for a second. I smirked in my mind. Rule one, never underestimate your opponents. I quickly took him out and knocked him unconscious.

One down four to go. They kept coming at me but even they were tiring too. After what felt like forever, I beat all of them unconscious. Finally. Just then, I felt someone behind me. Shit. Too late. Something was put over my mouth. I held in my breath but it can only hold so long. Finally, I gave in and took in a deep breath and fell into a black abyss.

I groaned. My head hurts like hell. I woke on a bed? I sat on the bed and felt a sudden rush of dizziness. I gripped my head to try and contain it. "Woah there. Slow down." I whipped my head to the side so fast I swear I heard my neck crack.

"Who are you and where the hell am I!" I shouted.

"Aren't you a feisty one. You're at Lord Chaos' palace in Zacron," He said completely ignoring my first question. Being the seaweed brain I am replied, "Who?" The person's jaw dropped. What? "Chaos? The creator of the universe?" He asked.

"Oh, that dude," I replied. Now I get it. I'm being abducted by another immortal. How wonderful. Note the sarcasm. "Come on, Chaos wants to meet you." and he walked out of the room. I thought for a whole five seconds before following him out. Why is everyone wearing a dang cloak?

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