File 18: Gucci, Dior and Hermès

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| Thomas POV |

"Soooo, we heard from someone that you needed help with a proposal," I looked up and saw that the other successors were sitting in front of me. I glared at the three people and they laughed. I slouched back at my seat. I nodded my head. "We'll distract Vi for you. The boys will help with the ideas and others. I'll be with the boys," Teresa said and glared at us when the boys were about to complain. I chuckled.

"We'll start planning then," Shane said. "Come on boys, we've got a lot of work to do," we followed Shane and the girls left to find Vivian.

"So, any ideas?" We all shrugged.

"How about tomorrow's campfire? The girls could distract Vivian the whole day," Richard said. I thought for a while. That could work. "Tomorrow it is," I confirmed it.

"Then, when will the wedding take place?" The others grinned and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. "Maybe four days after the proposal. Any suggestion on what the wedding would be like and where?"

"Vivi likes the beach maybe we can have it at the beach on Zacron," I turn around to see my favourite girl. Elly. She was in her 5 year old form. I opened my arms and she hopped into it. "I've missed you my little pumpkin," she giggled. "Your smart," I told her and she puffed her chest. "Vivi's going to be my new mommy!" She squealed and I blushed. The others laughed.

"So it's settled. Tomorrow Tommy here," Shane put his arm around my shoulder. "Will be proposing to Vivian and soon become a married man. Well done," everyone whistled. I rolled my eyes. "Can we see the ring?" I took it out and showed it to them. They gasped. "Simple yet beautiful. Nice," I smiled. "Chaos chose it," they 'oh'.

Just then Sam ran into the Chaos cabin. "She's coming!" Everyone panicked and quickly kept everything. Which in other word is throw everything in their room except mine. Moments later, we heard the girls laughing. "Hey Tom," she kissed me and I smiled into it. "Ew get a room," Shane and Andrew caked gagged. Elly giggled and Vivian kissed her head.

We were about to sit on the couch when I heard someone gasp. I looked up and Teresa was pointing towards something on the table. I widened my eyes. The ring was on the table in front of Vivian. The others must have seen it too. Abigail kicked Peter which caused him to hit the table. He faked "Ow! What was that for?" She glared at him. "Revenge," Vivian's attention was now on the both of them. Celeste dropped her magazine onto the floor where the ring fell. She picked it up along with the ring.

They glared at each other. "Girls girls your both pretty," They glared at Teresa who smirked. "Well, I'm going to get a drink. You want anything babe?" I shook my head and smiled at her. "Elly?"

"I wanna an orange juice!" She replied.

She ruffled her hair and skipped to the kitchen and everyone let out a breath. "That was close," Andrew said.

"Too close," Celeste passed me the ring. "Thanks," she nodded her head. "Well, we've got a lot of planning to do," I told them and they nodded their head.

Tomorrow... [21 December]

The successors were all running around preparing. The girls were all rushing Vivian away from us. I chuckle at their panic. "Girls!" I got their attention. "Relax. Shouldn't I be the one running around?" I told them and realisation hit them. They immediately relaxed. "Right. Sorry," Abigail  said.

"Come on, you all better hurry up," they all scrambled away.

"It seems you are not worried," Teresa said sitting on my armchair. I slouched down on the chair. "Oh I'm terrified. I mean what if she says no? What if she likes someone else? What if she doesn't like the ring?" I started panicking. Teresa rested a hand on my shoulder.

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