Nighttime(Cullen Clan)

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Edward - You still live at home so he obviously does not live with you. Most nights, he waits for your family to go to sleep, then sneaks into your bedroom through the window, and you spend the night talking until you fall asleep in him arms.

Jasper - He is too wary about his blood-lust, and also too old fashioned, to spend the night with you. Your nightly routine included him coming over and having deep conversations in your room after your family went to sleep, sometimes even reading together, just enjoying each other's company. When he came to the conclusion that it was time for you to sleep, he'd give you sit beside you as you drifted off, place a kiss on your cheek, and quietly slip out of your window.

Emmett - He's like your protector. Anywhere you are, he is. So the same applies when you sleep. He sneak over after your family goes to sleep, and what you did depended on the night. Sometimes you guys sneak out together and go places, or watch the stars, or just hangout. It was different every night, but you always ended it the same - in your bed, held tight against his hard body in his huge arms, falling asleep as he played with your hair.

Carlisle - He does not sleep, although he does enjoy laying in a bed and reading a good book. So when it was time for you to go to sleep, he will lay with you, holding you in his arms, whispering to you and playing with your hair or fingertips as you drift off to sleep on his chest. After you are sound asleep, he will begin reading a book or two until you are going to wake soon, which is when he prepares you some breakfast in bed.

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