❤️3. Different thoughts And again in the infirmary

Start from the beginning

Snape was glad he brewed most potions for the infirmary, because knowing Potter, he did not want things to be done half-heartedly. The boy, or as Snape called him, "an infuriating stomach ulcer," would be the cause if he ever went to the grave earlier than necessary. The potions master also wondered how Potter had managed to brew all the potions needed to put up the blockages to create such a deceptive image. The false appearance the boy had was constructed by potions, and the professor had realised this earlier on. He had noticed the after effects of the blockages being removed. Considering how Harry was almost as bad as Longbottom during his lessons, he could not comprehend how he had successfully brewed those potions.

Had Potter been pretending to be incapable all these years?

In Merlin's roughly knitted wool socks, if this was true, this kid would be responsible for him sprouting his first grey hair!

McGonagall's thoughts were taking a different path. Why had she not spoken more convincingly back then when Albus put little Harry on the threshold of the Muggle family. She had been so sure that this family could only be bad for her lion cub. And yet, she had trusted Albus when he said it would be best for the kid.

The director's thoughts followed those of the transfiguration professor's, only that he was torn with guilt and was constantly subjecting himself to the most bitter reproaches. Why had he never checked whether Harry was doing well with his relatives often? Why did he not take the boy's requests seriously, who begged him almost every summer to let him stay at Hogwarts? What good was blood protection if the greater danger evidently emanated from one's own family?

Meanwhile, Griphook was questioning how mankind had survived to this day, when it obviously did everything to annihilate itself. It was not a surprise that the sorcerers regarded most creatures of a different species as equals, more than their own offspring. It was something that the smart goblin simply did not want to ponder over. Every creature, regardless of animals, plants or magical creatures, knew how important their offspring were for the survival of their own species. Could it really be that humans were exempt from this universal self-protection? If that was the case, they could have only survived this far through the selfish deeds they have committed in the past. Griphook really hoped that the three people he was walking with had learnt from their mistakes. For the sake of the children at this school, and Harry in particular, it would be the most desirable outcome in any case.

Only then did he realise why the young Mr. Potter was so devoted and inquisitive. Even though all goblins were extremely elated when the slender boy, with the stunning green eyes, came to visit them at the bank, none of them could explain why.

Meanwhile, the small group, including the Phoenix, had arrived at the infirmary, where they were welcomed by a busy nurse. When Poppy saw who her patient was and what he looked like, she had to swallow her misery and put up a reassuring smile.

"Mr. Potter, the school year has not even started. I should start considering the idea of preparing a room just for you." With these words she directed the boy from the stretcher to one of the hospital beds with care. Harry had to smile despite the pain, only because he wanted to ease the worries of the energetic nurse. Poppy closed the curtains around the bed and then turned to her patient.

"Well, my dear, you already know the procedure," she said, and they both remembered the way too familiar diagnostic magic. The spell was meant to show the extent of physical damage done to his body using a range of colours.

Green: Healthy

Yellow: Nothing serious or to be worried about

Blue: Requires immediate attention

Red: Stop neglecting your injuries

Violet: It is a surprise you are still conscious

Black: Congratulations! It's a miracle you are still alive

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