Chapter 10- Students vs. Students

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And you didn't. You made a plan to listen to Present Mic, you really did, but before the presentation you guys got a lunch break. And the lunch was DELICIOUS! Waaaaaayyyyyy better than the school lunches back home. So of course, good food meant a lot of eating which meant a full stomach which meant that as soon as you sat down and began listening to Present Mic's voice drone on and on about the next task, you were out like a light. That was until you received a not-so-subtle punch to your head from Yin and Yang in the middle of his speech.

"You're going to end up giving everyone a bad impression of you," Alex said, "Oh yeah and ignore them."

Rubbing your throbbing skull, you glared at the children of Satan, Those motherfu-

"So let's recap, my young listeners!" Present Mic's voice cut through your thoughts, "Since Class 1-A won't be joining us today, two representatives from Class 1-B will be fighting against you. Kendo Itsuka and Honenuki Juzo, and from Class 1-C, Shinso Hitoshi! You will fight against them one on three! Any questions? No? Good!"

After recovering from the shock of fighting one on three, complaints rose through the air.

"Hey how is that fair?!?"

"They're way stronger than us!"

You, however, remained silent and thinking, "Okay, okay, I'll be fine. Ugh. It's not that it isn't fair, in reality, you may come across multiple opponents by yourself but these kids have already been accepted by U.A. That means they're the best of the best! And they also seem to have the advantage of knowing what our quirks are, while we don't know anything about theirs, but again, that's also similar to real life. Oh boy, how the hell is this going to turn out? But maybe if they're expecting to fight with a quirk......"

"Okay! Now that all questions are answered! Let's head on over to Stadium D to begin!"

Your head darted up in a panic.

"Stupid thinking!" You grumbled as you took a last chug of water to keep your throat hydrated.

You felt a tug on your arm and saw Alex looking at you, "Hurry up before they start without out us. They're going in the number order given to us in the beginning. You're Examinee 137, I'm 125, so we have time but I'd rather not be late."

"Alright, I'm moving, I'm moving. How much time is each fight?"

"I heard a rumor that it was until you drop, but apparently it's only for 1 minute."

"Isn't that kind of unfair to our competitors? The students will be at their top game for a good portion of the beginning but won't they get tired later. I mean, that good for me I guess but..."

But it turned out that you didn't need to worry about them at all. Competition was dropping down left and right, mostly due to the orange-haired girls karate chops or sinking to the teeth-showing boy's quirk. But you had to admit you were very delighted when Yin and Yang got their asses handed to them.

They both walked up to the three students after a small talk with Present Mic, extremely confident. Although you were confused as to why both were fighting at the same time, you figured they might have pulled a Draco Malfoy.

They readied themselves as Present Mic yelled out, "ANDDDDDD START!"

"Is it just me, or are you extremely ugly?" The wild purple-haired boy spoke up with his hands in his pocket.

"How dare you-" as the words left Yin's lips, she froze as her body posture relaxed.

"Yin?!?!? Yin!" An angry Yang turned towards the boy, "What did you do to her?!?!?"

Songbird (BNHA x reader)Where stories live. Discover now